I've had one boyfriend. We were together about four years and I've been single just as long. Early in the relationship, my brother told me he had thought I was a lesbian. I kinda think he was serious. A couple of weeks ago he had gone on a few dates with a girl he had met recently. He was telling my mom and I about her and she said, "I was gonna ask, 'hows' your love life?' but I guess it's okay." Then my brother said to me, "What about Amanda's love life?" I think I just shrugged. Then he asked if I was a lesbian. I said no. Then he said to my mom, "Just wait till she comes out of the closet....Would you still love her? No, you wouldn't. You're old school." (She's a homophobe.) I think I had called him an ***hole at that point. He said he was joking and I was like, "I don't think you are.":

: I don't mean this as anything against gay people, but it's insulting if people see you that way when it isn't true. I'm an introvert with a low sex drive and little need for social contact. So what? I'm still straight, but apparently that isn't clear to people.