Gamers thread

What age would you say people should stop being a gamer and grow up?

My wife says I'm too old to play games. I'm only 34, not 54, and I only play after the house has shut down and my daughter is in bed. I don't watch soaps or much other tv. It's what I do to relax and wind down, whats so bad about that?

You're never too old to play games in my opinion. It's general entertaiment (similar to tv and movies), not a glorified kid's toy.


Well-known member
I got bored and decided to play the first animal crossing game again. My entire village was overrun with weeds and my house was filled with roaches. That and everyone said I had been gone for 47 months.


Well-known member
You're never too old to play games in my opinion. It's general entertaiment (similar to tv and movies), not a glorified kid's toy.
Agree, you shouldn't be worried about it, DoA, my father is 50 and, when he can, he spends hours with the console :D


Well-known member
Nah... videogames are pretty high tech these days~ I wouldn't say you're too old no matter how old you are.

Just... when you're married or have children; they should take importance over playing for 14 hours straight. No more release day marathons...
But playing a couple hours a night or on the weekends is fine- I don't see why not.


Well-known member
i'm thinking of getting Arkham asylum , it's 19$ on steam , i'm downloading the demo but everyone says it's pretty good , plus Arkham city got 9.5 on IGN , i might play this one right after.


Well-known member
i'm thinking of getting Arkham asylum , it's 19$ on steam , i'm downloading the demo but everyone says it's pretty good , plus Arkham city got 9.5 on IGN , i might play this one right after.
I've only played the demo, but it looked really good, and everyone who played it seemed to love it ::p:


Well-known member
i just finished playing the demo and wasn't too impressed , it looks like a fun solid game but i just couldn't get into it , I'm also thinking of playing dead space but it looks way too scary for me


Well-known member
No not really , i can easily be pleased by a simple 8 bit game , it just gotta have the right elements , that right combination for me , heck i'm addicted to "the binding of Isaac" right now , and it's a very simple game , i finished it for the fifth time today

That batman game looked perfect and very well done , but i just didn't get that feeling


Well-known member
Loved Dead Space-- Dead Space 2 even moreso (not the dlc's though... ugh)
Arkham Asylum was great! I've got high hopes for Arkham City.
LOVE Mark Hamill's Joker~ go Luke!


But i might give it a try , just for you Pips

No because you might end up loathing it or it somehow ruins your life and I get blamed. I can see it now, you shaking your fist angrily at sky, cursing the name of Pips xD


Well-known member
I really wanna play Dead space , but it looks insane , if you did play it , how does it compare to let's say , Silent hill or f.e.a.r ..?


Well-known member
It's the way i play games , close to the screen in the dark , with headphones on , alone , i always put myself in the character's skin , i take my time and always fear for the worst .

Some people just rush through the games without even thinking , and that completely destroy the atmosphere , taking away all the scare factor . You have to become vulnerable .

But i heard Dead Space was one of the scariest out there