easier being female


I think it is the other way. In some wierd way I feel that if you are a guy you don't have to talk as much. But I'm possibly wrong.


Well-known member
We are all an experiment of one. It very much depends on the individual how hard/easy we have it.


Well-known member
We are all an experiment of one. It very much depends on the individual how hard/easy we have it.

I agree with this. I don't think gender plays a role. Thinking it's easier for females is just due to interpretation of how things work for them. It does not mean (at all) that it is actually easier. It depends on how every person feels about it. You may think that someone has a perfect life, having family, friends, someone to love, a job, etc. But that person can still feel truly sad and unhappy without knowing why.

I have had this happening to me: I thought that if a particular thing would happen I would finally start being happy, it was the thing I wanted the most in my life. It happened and even though I appreciate it, it didn't turn me into a happy person.
well.. Men don't have to carry a baby, they can just ''do it'' and the woman have to do the rest!!! So I think it's easier being a male! But still, I love being a woman ::eek::
Considering our own personal point of view, we will never be able to truly establish whom got it worse. But to be honest, neither do I think it's really important. It's not like we could change anything about it, other then being understanding on one another (which I think we should do by default).

well.. Men don't have to carry a baby, they can just ''do it'' and the woman have to do the rest!!! So I think it's easier being a male! But still, I love being a woman ::eek::

Though, I for one would love to carry my own child if it were possible. It might sound odd, but that's one of the female qualities I'm most jealous about. :3


Well-known member
well to me its hard bein female, sometimes i think it would be soo much easier being a guy, i could be more quiet witout questioning n stuff :(
not completely sure if you were replying to felgen's comment, but...
i could be in the minority here, but no one's pressuring me to have a child.
then again, i come from a family of introverts. i'm getting up there in age. i've never really dated around, never been in a serious, long term relationship. it's never been expected of me to marry and have kids. (maybe they've given up on me. :p) i can't imagine having a kid right now. maternal instincts/urges have not kicked in. i don't know if they ever will. o:

on the other hand, i think it would be a little bit different if i was married. i agree that women are under more pressure by society/family/friends to pop out a few kids once they're married. i know my mom would love to have grandkids. i'm grateful that she's not on my case about it 'cause it probably won't happen. (by choice, sort of. :p)

Cool, I was just being "sarcastic" btw :). I want to have a lot of kids personally, I love kids since I'm a child-at-heart. Someday someday...

to be honest i got paranoid after another post n i almost left :(
thats why i wen quiet x

Oh allright :). Well don't leave! :eek:
Hey no problem, it was worth reading your opinion on it :D. God you have to stop holding yourself back! Your opinions are important and interesting ;) DUH! :p:p Silly!