Being a "regular" at a store..


Well-known member
I drive two towns over to go to the liquor store cause kids I went to high school with work at the one in my town. The one two towns over just has an old indian guy who doesn't talk to me. I always appreciate employees who just do business and don't try to socialize with me, how I am is none of your business!

old Indian employees are my favorite


Well-known member
Yeah, being a regular makes me feel all kinds of uncomfortable because I feel like the staff knows stuff about me, which means that they can control me. I also feel like I'm imposing on them, somehow. The only place I really have this problem is Starbucks because I walk down there for exercise. I've never gotten any smack from them but I just feel creeped out by it, so I'll skip days, and occasionally change my order just to get some control back.

And I have SO stopped going to stores because people mocked my habits. It was really a dumb move on their end, because they lost my business. I've also stopped going to places that had attractive cashiers/waittresses/etc out of the fear that they'd think I was stalking them.


Well-known member
lol! oh yea I hate this too! There's a petrol station right by my house that I always go to to get the essentials - usually milk, and I usually get 2 bottles at a time. I'd been going in there for ages, recognising the same faces but never saying more than "good morning" and "thank you", until one day one of the cashiers said something like "2 bottles of milk again is it?", which is absolutely fine and he seems like a really nice, friendly guy.....the problem is now there's like a connection between!.....we're no longer strangers, I'm now [as you say] a "regular", and so now I feel all this pressure to think of better things to say than just "good morning" and "thank you", and I'm just blank! I have no clue what to say......and I have to admit, I have been avoiding that store a little more often now! which I really shouldn't do, so I'll have to make sure I keep going, and if I can't think of things to say, well that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that.
Ah! Dude I totally know what you mean. That's my situation almost exactly; with the AM/PM station and grocery store by my house. But hey.. He seems friendly. And maybe you won't get him as a cashier every time. You don't have to talk much either.. I mean just ask how he's doing, I guess.. You know. It only lasts a few minutes, so just think of something new in between visits.

I drive two towns over to go to the liquor store cause kids I went to high school with work at the one in my town. The one two towns over just has an old indian guy who doesn't talk to me. I always appreciate employees who just do business and don't try to socialize with me, how I am is none of your business!
Same. I rotate between cafe's, resturaunts, and shops..
I stopped going to several stores because of this. It's a good thing the grocery store has self-serve checkouts, otherwise I'd starve!
And yes! self-checkouts are my savior xD
But there's always a cashier at the front of it, making sure no one steals anything.


Well-known member
I'm a "regular" at my college cafeteria and I hate it when I see the same cashier. I always walk in and eat by myself and can only imagine how much of a loser they think I am.
Ugh.. Dude I know what you mean. During summer school, I had to take the bus since the school was further away this summer. The bus dropped me off at this shopping center, with BK in it. And, 'course, since BK was pretty much right there; and on my way home I'd go there a lot. And eat alone, obviously. I couldnt/cant help but think one of the cashiers there just hate me. There was only two cashiers there -An italian/hispanic friendly man. (I didn't mind him, and I always hoped when I walked in the store I got him over the next cashier)
and this other mexican lady who always gave me this weird, rude stare. And when we talked she had the rudest tone, after a while of seeing me. I felt rude as well, even though I wasnt doing anything wrong. I even kept trying to have a more friendly-tone towards her.. And it just got worse all summer. Luckily I never go there any more, since theres another center closer to my house.


Well-known member
Yeah, its very distressing. Because of my anxiety, It appears that I'm hiding something or stealing, and the local grocery store staff always look at me suspicously. When I walk inside the store, the store employees just stop what their doing and stare at me like I'm up to no good. I hate when they do that! I live in a small town and there is not that many supermarkets I can go to.


Well-known member
Yeah, its very distressing. Because of my anxiety, It appears that I'm hiding something or stealing, and the local grocery store staff always look at me suspicously. When I walk inside the store, the store employees just stop what their doing and stare at me like I'm up to no good. I hate when they do that! I live in a small town and there is not that many supermarkets I can go to.

People look at me like this wherever I go. I guess I just have an extremely unsavory look to me that I am unaware of.
one day I went into the local grocery store to get some ham, and when I walked up to the check out the lady threw my ham into an empty lane and told me they can check me out there.
This made me have a panic attack when I got home, and then I cried. I told my grandma what happen and she called the store:eek:
The next time I went in there the employees made remarks about how I was a cry baby.
I stopped going there, but my family still shops there knowing how they treat me.:slap in face:

Anyway a couple of days ago I went to the Walgreen close to my house and the lady that threw my ham was working there!!! When I went to check out all the employees stood around and talking, completely ignoring me!!:mad: It was quite obvious they were doing it deliberately because when the next person walked up they checked them out and then went back to ignoring me

So yeah I get very anxious going into a store, because I get treated like crap for no ****ing reason


Well-known member
There is a cart boy at shoprite that keeps bugging me every time he sees me. The first time was months ago and he just starts talking to me out of the blue when I walking to go into the door. I just kind of answer him in bewilderment and hurry inside. Next time he asks my name. Every time he talks to me its from like across the way, places I wasn't even looking to. This time after its been a few months he goes "Hi Tiffany" in front of his friend, like he knows me. Asks me about my labor day etc. Seeming to play as if he does know me in front of his friend.

I find this all odd because it doesn't seem like normal polite interaction. Why would you call to a person you don't know when they are trying to walk into/out of the grocery store minding their own business? He never says excuse me just talks at me when I'm not paying attention/looking at the ground. He even commented on my shirt saying he liked it. The shirt says " itune you out" with a pic of a little dude with an ipod...

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
There is a cart boy at shoprite that keeps bugging me every time he sees me. The first time was months ago and he just starts talking to me out of the blue when I walking to go into the door. I just kind of answer him in bewilderment and hurry inside. Next time he asks my name. Every time he talks to me its from like across the way, places I wasn't even looking to. This time after its been a few months he goes "Hi Tiffany" in front of his friend, like he knows me. Asks me about my labor day etc. Seeming to play as if he does know me in front of his friend.

I find this all odd because it doesn't seem like normal polite interaction. Why would you call to a person you don't know when they are trying to walk into/out of the grocery store minding their own business? He never says excuse me just talks at me when I'm not paying attention/looking at the ground. He even commented on my shirt saying he liked it. The shirt says " itune you out" with a pic of a little dude with an ipod...

You're right, it doesn't sound like normal polite interaction.

It sounds like he likes you. :)


not actually Fiona Apple
There is a cart boy at shoprite that keeps bugging me every time he sees me. The first time was months ago and he just starts talking to me out of the blue when I walking to go into the door. I just kind of answer him in bewilderment and hurry inside. Next time he asks my name. Every time he talks to me its from like across the way, places I wasn't even looking to. This time after its been a few months he goes "Hi Tiffany" in front of his friend, like he knows me. Asks me about my labor day etc. Seeming to play as if he does know me in front of his friend.

I find this all odd because it doesn't seem like normal polite interaction. Why would you call to a person you don't know when they are trying to walk into/out of the grocery store minding their own business? He never says excuse me just talks at me when I'm not paying attention/looking at the ground. He even commented on my shirt saying he liked it. The shirt says " itune you out" with a pic of a little dude with an ipod...

Maybe he's just a nice, friendly guy? You know there aren't enough of those around anymore. Does he have any reason to think you don't appreciate the hello's? Or maybe you're right and he is insincere and just talks to all the pretty girls to "keep his options open," or look cool to his friends. Just spitballin' here, could be way off...


Well-known member
Maybe he's just a nice, friendly guy? You know there aren't enough of those around anymore. Does he have any reason to think you don't appreciate the hello's? Or maybe you're right and he is insincere and just talks to all the pretty girls to "keep his options open," or look cool to his friends. Just spitballin' here, could be way off...

He has like yelled across the parking lot, it is quite awkward of him and awkward for me. It comes off weird. Not nicely.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I dunno about that...

He seems like he's trying to engage you in conversation - talking to you, asking about your Labor Day, commenting on your shirt, etc. Given that you are an attractive girl, and you're not visiting the store with a boyfriend, it seems reasonable to conclude from what you've described that there's a good chance that he likes you. I'm not sure how old a cart boy would be, so it could be anything from just a crush (if he's a kid) to him working up to asking you out (if he's an adult).

Obviously I could be wrong because I'm not there to see events for myself, but I'm struggling to find another explanation for him paying this kind of attention to you.


not actually Fiona Apple
He has like yelled across the parking lot, it is quite awkward of him and awkward for me. It comes off weird. Not nicely.

Maybe that's just who he is, loud, extroverted and a little egocentric in that he doesn't realize some people don't like to be called from across the parking lot. I'm sure if you called to him he'd love it, and that's why he did so to you?


Well-known member
Yeah I didn't want this to turn into "poor Pookah is a cold bitch." Cause from my point of view it isn't like that.