Being a "regular" at a store..


Well-known member
yea im a regular at my store , i always buy the same stuff , organic meats , rice , tons of veg , tons of fruit , the woman said to me dont you ever buy anything else , you always buy the same stuff evrey week :confused: i said hey its not for me its for my sweet little grandma who lives down the road , really she said :confused: and i soppose the 8 cans of larger you buy on a fri night are for her as well are they :eek: i said what are you my mother ... she said yea go tidy your room ...:rolleyes: but it just shows you doesnt it , they do take notice of what your buying .......


Well-known member
I try to wear a different shirt every time I go to the store.

I figure they won't recognize me that way.

Sometimes I wear a false mustache.


Well-known member
Seeing the same employees doesn't require you to talk to them. Most people do .. but we're not most people. :) He just needs to do his job and you just want to get a drink. Nobody's forced into anything. Except he needs to help you.::p:


Well-known member
I worked at a convenience store and can say with first hand experience the cashiers and other workers probably don't care at all. I used to see some people 2 or 3 times a day and I thought nothing about them at all. Some regulars would stay for a few minutes trying to chat the other workers and customers up, but for the most part the customers who came in, got their items and left were not paid much attention to.


Well-known member
Tesco are terrible for that. I don't know who wrote the software for their checkouts, but it never seems to work correctly.

"Unexpected item in bagging area!"

What do you mean "unexpected item"? You mean that item that I just passed over the scanner, and which should therefore have been completely expected by any half decently written system?? :mad:

I hate it when they do that. That line will inhabit my nightmares for years to come :D
I know what you mean. I'm conscious of being regular anywhere. Even catching the same bus everyday would be hell for me.


Well-known member
Heh, this is funny. I never thought about if this bothered anyone else. At the base I work at, there is only one store open 24 hours. When I worked 2nd shift, I would stop by there most nights to grab a snack and the SAME girl was working there every single night. I would usually get the same thing to snack on most nights and after a while, I caught her rolling her eyes as I walked up to the counter. After that, I remember going home hungry a couple of nights just so I wasn't in that stupid uncomfortable situation again. Glad I'm not on that shift anymore and can see different people working there during the day!


Well-known member
Tesco are terrible for that. I don't know who wrote the software for their checkouts, but it never seems to work correctly.

"Unexpected item in bagging area!"

What do you mean "unexpected item"? You mean that item that I just passed over the scanner, and which should therefore have been completely expected by any half decently written system?? :mad:

Sainsbury's the worst. If you so much as have a hair fall on teh bagging area, it'll sense the weight and say the dreaded 'unexpected item in baggin area, please remove item now'.

The easiest self checkout system i've used was at the local library, makes me wonder though what do the librarians do all day, given they had time to chit chat all day before the self checkout was introduced.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Sainsbury's the worst. If you so much as have a hair fall on teh bagging area, it'll sense the weight and say the dreaded 'unexpected item in baggin area, please remove item now'.

In that case, I shall definitely be avoiding Sainsbury's. It's not just the "unexpected item" announcement, it's the fact that a flashing light goes on above your head. Why don't they just have a big flashing neon arrow with the words "Potential Thief!" right above your head. :)

The easiest self checkout system i've used was at the local library, makes me wonder though what do the librarians do all day, given they had time to chit chat all day before the self checkout was introduced.

Oh you'd be shocked at what librarians get up to all day. It's the quiet ones you have to watch. :cool:


Well-known member
Totally. The village I stay at whilst I'm studying just has this one tiny little shop for groceries and stuff. What sucks the most about it is that the person who runs the shop also happens to be my neighbour AND my landlord. So yeah - triple awkward.


Well-known member
In that case, I shall definitely be avoiding Sainsbury's. It's not just the "unexpected item" announcement, it's the fact that a flashing light goes on above your head. Why don't they just have a big flashing neon arrow with the words "Potential Thief!" right above your head. :)

Oh you'd be shocked at what librarians get up to all day. It's the quiet ones you have to watch. :cool:

I've had that said about me once. Hey maybe I should be a librarian, if someone says 'why are you so quiet', I'll look up at them disapprovingly from my specs and say 'Shhhhhh'.


Well-known member
there was a guy at a Servive Station who imitated the way I must look with my anxiety. You know big eyes.

He gave me that look with a smirk on his face.

I asked. "Do you have a problem?"

"I'm good," he said with a smile on his face.

"No," I replied. "You're an effin idiot."

I walked out and have never gone back.


Uhm, I guess. I dunno. It's by FIU. I certainly don't live in the rich gated communities of Miami, I'm poor lol.

Lol, that's unfortunate. I'm not poor but I don't live in a gated community either.

You attend FIU as well?