What are your dreams?


Well-known member
I don't know...I have always wanted to travel and see the world.
I'd like to learn the German language and maybe do something with that.

I don't have many other interests, other than that. *ponders*

I like languages :)
Music and languages :)
Its what Im living for right now


Well-known member
I love studying about foreign languages and cultures so I would like to be successful enough to travel the world and experience these places first hand.

I want to setup semi-permanent residence somewhere other than the southeast U.S. 'cause it is so flippin hot and humid all the time. I want cool breezes and ocean front landscapes.

I want a home with a room big enough to have all my guitars and music equipment on display so I can sit around and play and record music whenever I want.

Oh yeah...I will probably need lots of money to accomplish all this...so I either need to be some rich beautiful woman's poolside cabana boy...or win the lottery. I'm not sure which is the more plausible scenario.


Well-known member
I used to have many dreams but now the only dream I have is to be a normal person, to get rid of my SAD and depression. If I can be normal Im sure all those other things can be achieved


Well-known member
Wouldn't it be cool to see a pug drinking out of a cup meant for kings? With their eyes all crazy lookin'

OMG I just about spewed Mt. Dew on my keyboard...lol. Yes that would be most cool....the only thing cooler is if the little guy had a mini kingly red robe on trimmed in thick white fur.....with the black dots.


Active member
My dream is to make a living doing something I love to do, and that would be something that brings joy to others. As a musician, I think it's possible, but highly unlikely. Right now I'm in college and trying to get through my degree. Perhaps I'll be able to do good things after that.


Well-known member
My dream is to be married to a wonderful woman and live happily ever after. Realistically speaking I know that this dream is almost impossible with SA.


Well-known member
1. Graduate with a degree, and Honours if I can, in a field I'm interested in

2. Get a job that doesn't make going to work everyday a drag (if you love what you do, you'll never have to work another day in your life)

3. Earn enough to indulge moderately and pay bills

4. See the world, travel like I've always wanted to!

5. Keep in touch with close friends, and get married and have kids, I suppose? I'm not even in my 20s yet so I wouldn't know. But it's hard to imagine me being unmarried for life (not that my Asian family members would approve of it)

Just what I'd generally require to be happy. I won't get into the specifics. :)
Now that sound like the grand plan!! I'm up for it as well. Good luck!!


all i have ever wanted was to be able to do a few things i enjoy, and love someone who loves me back, have a child. it does not sound much to ask but it never ever works for me when it is so simple for others without even trying, i try so hard and all i ever get it treated worthless and passed over for someone else. And now i cant even seem to enjoy normal things that i always did, it all seems to just get worse the older i get, lost all hope


Well-known member
Having a wife and kids is my number one "dream", but I'm closer to my second goal of being an accomplished doctor, hopefully a neurosurgeon.