Is there any way to have a shy but not passive guy? I like guys who let girls initiate the convo or ask them out, but I dont want a guy who would let me walk all over them. I think when girls think of shy guys, they think of quiet doormats.. letting people use and abuse them.
I think it's at least easier for the female because.. it doesn't matter if women are expect to be talkative, somewhere down the line, they will get spoken to, especially from the opposite sex. And if not, they will get support from others of the same sex.. and if not.. well it's ok for them to have a problem. That way it doesn't get denied and something actually gets done about it.
For men it's all about denial, denial of self.
Ouch no1..
back in the day men never asked what a woman wanted from them, they assumed, they assumed they wanted them to go to war or fight, they assumed they knew what they were thinking, they never sat back and actually asked. assumption assumption, assumption!
women breed these traits. as i said before, evolutionary wise traits such as emotionless, careless, brutality, cruelty, etc. served an evolutionary purpose.
I took a fair number of courses on evolutionary biology and genetics in college, and not one of those things was demonstrated to serve an evolutionary purpose. May I ask where you're getting your information?
Risk-taking behavior--bravery, if you will--this is selected for and serves an evolutionary purpose. This has relevance to social anxiety and phobia issues. Also alpha-male, dominance characteristics. Alpha male does not equate to cruel or emotionless. Strong is not the same as brutal.
No1 I've decided you are a huge ******* so why aren't I and every woman on the planet in love with you?
well taking on the other stance, that us nice guys are also at fault.
it's kinda hard to counter the jerk badboy when for 1, he can be so deceptive at least to the women that they're all the support he needs. And that 2 they just won't shut their mouths until we beat them up or something.. leaving not much to be solved anyways.
POint is, nobody can really reason with the badboy jerks, so.. women can help us too u know, by not giving them the support he so desires.