Well said Klytus!!!!
That is, I want a semi-dominant girl, while being dominant myself. "Semi-dominant" because she should know when to be silent, and when to silence. :
Well said Klytus!!!!
I am a human who has evolved to the point where I work from my mind, not evolutionary instincts.
If you really believe that, you're fooling yourself.
So should I change my essential nature, and make myself be dominant, just to appeal to more women? Or find a woman who doesn't mind not having a dominant guy. I like dominant women.
I'm 5'7", chicks aren't going to feel like I can "protect" them. See, this isn't HUMAN. This is primal, ape BS. I am a human who has evolved to the point where I work from my mind, not evolutionary instincts.
Ladies, we live in 2010, not 5000 BC. You don't need a caveman to protect you from the lions or whatever anymore. Jesus.
Good god, people, listen to what you are saying. Only very few women are like this.
The majority of the women want a guy who is confident. Period. That they go for displays of confidence, too, is only logical, as such cues are the only aspects upon which they can classify a man as confident or not. A guy who does not show any signs of confidence at all is most definitely not confident. However, a guy who does display confidence has a chance to actually be confident. So, naturally, women go for that, to later find out what he truly is like.
Sooner or later women do realize the deception, and split up. At least, the wise ones do. Those who don't you better stay away from anyway.
The "lions" today are intruders that break into our homes with a knife, there are still dangers that exist today they are just different ones. If a women has a choice of a man that she thinks will try to wrestle a knife off a masked intruder to protect her and their offspring, or a man that will be likely to hide in the corner and let the intruder stab her and the children, which one do you think she will choose!?
Did I say that anyone had to throw away our primitive stress responses? I just merely asked what you would have done in that situation? Would you have played dead? Come on now. There is no need for your tone. Had you been there, would you have found a better way?