easier being female


Well-known member
Well said Klytus!!!!

That is, I want a semi-dominant girl, while being dominant myself. "Semi-dominant" because she should know when to be silent, and when to silence. ::p: Hch.


Well-known member
So should I change my essential nature, and make myself be dominant, just to appeal to more women? Or find a woman who doesn't mind not having a dominant guy. I like dominant women.

I'm 5'7", chicks aren't going to feel like I can "protect" them. See, this isn't HUMAN. This is primal, ape BS. I am a human who has evolved to the point where I work from my mind, not evolutionary instincts.

Nobody ever mentioned body height. While it's an attractive trait for men to be tall, it is not decisive. My study group leader is about 5'7" and a rugged, strong man. He certainly has no problems with girls thinking he might be too "weak". I, myself, am 6'1", which is a plus, but not a panacea. :rolleyes:

You are a human who has yet to understand the nature of life. It is ridiculous to say to be beyond standard human evolution. From what I can tell, you apparently fail to work from your mind - as you said, you cannot understand. You behave like a child, defiant, who doesn't want to accept what his parents tell him. You keep spewing the same conviction of yours that being submissive is somehow more evolved, or less primitive.
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Well-known member
So I've yet to understand the nature of life?

Because I'm submissive? Thats a load of rubbish.


Well-known member
Maybe I should just kill myself. Obviously I'm evolutionarily defective, as I turned out submissive and not dominant and I'm a man/


Well-known member
Well, tell me why a girl would want to be with you, and not with the rightly confident alpha-male? Apparently you think that being the way you seem to be is better, or more advanced, than the average alpha-male is.
Ladies, we live in 2010, not 5000 BC. You don't need a caveman to protect you from the lions or whatever anymore. Jesus.

The "lions" today are intruders that break into our homes with a knife, there are still dangers that exist today they are just different ones. If a women has a choice of a man that she thinks will try to wrestle a knife off a masked intruder to protect her and their offspring, or a man that will be likely to hide in the corner and let the intruder stab her and the children, which one do you think she will choose!?


Good god, people, listen to what you are saying. Only very few women are like this.

The majority of the women want a guy who is confident. Period. That they go for displays of confidence, too, is only logical, as such cues are the only aspects upon which they can classify a man as confident or not. A guy who does not show any signs of confidence at all is most definitely not confident. However, a guy who does display confidence has a chance to actually be confident. So, naturally, women go for that, to later find out what he truly is like.

Sooner or later women do realize the deception, and split up. At least, the wise ones do. Those who don't you better stay away from anyway.

It's not that I don't agree with the fact that women like confidence, I just disagree that it is THE ONLY thing that women care for. Because in that sense it's just a matter of whose the loudest and who APPEARS to be the proudest, but appearance is just appearance and that can be deceiving.


Klytus... we are interdependent. Human beings ARE interdependent. It's not the same thing as co-dependence. The goal is to be interdependent, not co-dependent.

The fact is, we DO HAVE TO depend on others for certain things, but not everything. Ifyou think you can live in a cave without becoming blind because you do need the sun, you are wrong..


The "lions" today are intruders that break into our homes with a knife, there are still dangers that exist today they are just different ones. If a women has a choice of a man that she thinks will try to wrestle a knife off a masked intruder to protect her and their offspring, or a man that will be likely to hide in the corner and let the intruder stab her and the children, which one do you think she will choose!?

Uh, yes. But this is not an everyday thing. It's good to learn martial arts, etc.

But the stress we deal with TODAY are usually not the same stresses we dealt with in the ancient days. The kind of brutal killer instinct does not apply in most social situations. It's good to have it when it's needed. The problems we dealt with in the earlier days were quicker, and we had to literally fight, or quickly run, or play dead. Now we have GUNS, BOMBS, even more sophisticated weaponry you probably wouldn't even dream of (in the works by the government and / or extraterrestrials ;) ) The problems we deal with now, STAY with us, and are more slow to climax, have a longer climax, take more intellect, and thought, different actions etc. Basically, our killer instinct does not apply to a majority of the FUNCTIONS we deal with today. A more evolved mindset is needed. That's the reason for the evolution of the new vagal nerve functions (polyvagal theory). We do not deal with many of today's problems with the freeze-response, or the fight/flight reaction. That is for the ancient times. Do you honestly expect us to ATTACK in every situation we deal with? If we have children do you want us to attack it? Do you want us to ATTACK YOU? In the ancient days, we dealt with stress, usually by overstimulating the stress response, MORE stress. in the case of facing a lion, we get adrenaline, our digestive system shuts down, can't think or judge properly, breath rate goes up, become paranoid etc. etc. This is unuseful for many of the stresses we deal with today. This is overstimulation of the stress reponse. In fact we need a new way.

So in fact, overstimulation of the ancient stress response would actually make things worse. This is also why we have social anxiety. YEP. That's right SOCIAL ANXIETY IS CAUSED BY AN OVER-STIMULATION OF THE PRIMITIVE STRESS RESPONSE.

So you want your hardbody man who only knows how to impulsively talk ****, can't think, get himself into trouble, uncontrollably fight, or run, or even play dead, then get a smart guy who knows how to use his brain, can also have a hard body, fight, run or play dead or whatever (but probably also knows a better way)?
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man wow, are you that dense SErafina? I didn't say you had to THROW AWAY your primitive stress response. I was just saying that you don't have to use it ALL THE TIME, and in fact a more useful way is not to overstimulate it in the first place when it is unecessary. Use it when you need it. And when you DO use it, don't overstimulate it. Because then you actually make it worse.


Did I say that anyone had to throw away our primitive stress responses? I just merely asked what you would have done in that situation? Would you have played dead? Come on now. There is no need for your tone. Had you been there, would you have found a better way?

Haha... I don't even think you'd have to ask me that, considered something like that doesn't require too much thought on my part. I would most likely have done something and risked my life for others. Now I'm not 100% sure because I'm not in that situation and it doesn't require much thought (in fact thought would impeded in this situation) but thinking about it, the way my life is, I most likely would have since I don't really value my life as much as others and I have an inclination to sacrifice myself for others or do good deeds.. because these things do not take much THOUGHT (which we are doing now). If I was in the heat of the moment I definitely would have an inclination to and most likely would.

Anyways.. as regards the point I was making also... the primitive stress response has to do with the sympathetic nervous system which, while the newly developed way is more of the parasympathetic nervous system.
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Hehe, ask a female who is currently pregnant how much "easier" it is to be female and see what kind of response you get.

But in some aspects, I definitely feel that it is "easier" (in a relative sense) to be female. For example, when society looks at a 30 year old single female, common consensus says, "Oh look, there's a woman who is focused on her career and while she could be in a relationship, she chooses to concentrate on other aspects of her life." If you look at a 30 year old man in the same position, society says, 'Hey, look at that guy over there. He puts all his energy into his work because he can't start a relationship. What a loser he must be to be single at his age." The key words there being chooses and can't. One implies a choice, the other the inability to do something.

Now of course this is a broad generalization and isn't accurate in all cases, but from my experience, this is the rule rather than the exception.


Well-known member
Every individual is different. You can't just say it's harder for men because they are supposed to be the initiators, when some men can just stand there and still get all the glory while others try very hard and get nothing. The same for ladies, too. One might think 'oh how much easier it would be for a girl to be shy, she just has to stand there and look pretty', but don't forget, not every girl is pretty (that is to say if the jerk judging her were to only look on the outside).

Think of the elements of the periodic table. You mix them a certain way and you get various reactions. People and their personality types are the same way. There are many types. Mix them a certain way can you get different reactions. A shy person might be uncomfortable and untalkative with one person/group but may be more relaxed and talkative with another.

It's not a matter of gender.

The people and the environment around you effect your level of syhness and the difficulties/anxiety you get along with it.


yea but we're talking about on average or in general.. and especially in the places we live, not in third world countries either where most people are just too poor to do anything like actually live..