Feeling worthless


Well-known member
I'm not a rapist, paedophile, murderer, pimp, drug dealer, thief......Yet i feel like a worthless piece of crap. Anyone else feel at the bottom rung of the ladder of society despite there being evil people in the world who don't deserve to live?


yep,absolutly nothing would be different if i were never born or died.

If you were never born this post would have never existed and for all you know this very post could have created a quantum reaction chain of events that lead to the universe being saved!


Well-known member
absolutely nothing would be different if i were never born or died.
Nothing of value, you mean. Certainly there would be subtle differences. That is probably true for most human beings alive.


Well-known member
I feel like this constantly. I have zero self esteem and I always think if I don't like myself why would anyone else?

I have been taking St Johns Wort for the last month and I dont know if its a placebo effect or what but I do feel much brighter. Most of the time I literally can't stop smiling too. I'm not all cured or anything ridiculous though, but I do feel better.

So heres the bit thats been bothering me. I have been chatting a little more to people because i've been feeling happier, but even though I do, they don't seem anymore friendly. An example was my flatmate yesterday, I asked him questions about his photography I even went out of my way to look up this comp hes in online so I could tell him how good his pcs were. I was pretty happy and everything....but I feel like I didn't get much back. so it makes me thnk its not SA its just my crap personality....which in turn makes my SA worse because I'm scared of being judged.


Well-known member
I'm not a rapist, paedophile, murderer, pimp, drug dealer, thief......Yet i feel like a worthless piece of crap. Anyone else feel at the bottom rung of the ladder of society despite there being evil people in the world who don't deserve to live?

I know what other people tell you never seems to change how you feel about yourself...but based on your posts you always seem like a seriously nice guy :)


Well-known member
I suppose I'm in the middle. I don't think I'm that horrible, but I don't think I deserve anything I didn't work for. There isn't anything innately special or valuable in me.


Well-known member
Yes I know how this feels and I think for me it stems from the SA and not being able to do what I want in life due to Bluing and my thoughts.. I'm now exercising and taking steps to change this thinking but it's hard..


Well-known member
Yes!, i feel like this always:S Today, i was thinking your exact thoughts lol.
I MOSTLY think of the dam past and the stupid mistakes that changed my life and the regret and guilt i feel the pain that just won't go away! The what if ?senerios play in my head like a broken record.I would give anything to go back in time i seriously feel i ****ed my life up like i commited a murder only im the killer and that i killd my self lol.


Well-known member
I know what other people tell you never seems to change how you feel about yourself...but based on your posts you always seem like a seriously nice guy :)

Thanks that's sweet of you:)....But i have a dark side to my personality i.e - moodiness. My mood changes all the time and when i am depressed i'm a horrible person to be with and i feel so guilty for putting my mum and dad through hell. For example when i am depressed i won't talk to anyone and i get irritable and horrible.


Well-known member
Thanks that's sweet of you:)....But i have a dark side to my personality i.e - moodiness. My mood changes all the time and when i am depressed i'm a horrible person to be with and i feel so guilty for putting my mum and dad through hell. For example when i am depressed i won't talk to anyone and i get irritable and horrible.

You can add "honest" to your good qualities list. :)


Well-known member
I know how you feel. There are times when I feel like I am completely worthless. I often find myself saying that I don't deserve anything good to happen to me. Of course, at times when I am in a more reasonable state, I know this isn't true... but it doesn't stop me from being convinced at times that I am useless. For me it is very much a self-sabotaging, self-esteem issue. I think it is a protection thing too. It gives me a reason not to get my hopes up about getting something good to have them crushed when something doesn't go my way. If I feel like I deserve bad things and I get them, I'm not so devastated...