Something i found :-(


Well-known member
oh, Gareth. Those poor, poor souls. Look how hideous they all are. the first one can't even post his picture for shame. They obviously have toi keep talking constantly in a futile attempt to distract people from their faces. Let's all take a vow of silence just to creep them out and then we can start our own facebook group called

"I Hate Hideous People but Am Too Polite to say so"

The intro can be: if someone is constantly over-quiet around you, it's probably becuase they're vainly trying to think of something nice to say.


Well-known member
Want to start a "I hate loudmouthed a-holes club" You can be president. Some people don't get us but oh well,hugs.


Well-known member
Recluse just dont take everything personally.

Yes there are assholes out there but a lot of very nice people too. Most people in the world are nice.

mmmm, I agree with you 100%


Well-known member
I can't help but take it personally! I Googled 'I hate shy people' because i was curious and i wish i would'nt have now.


Well-known member
Well we looove shy people around here. Why not google that and focus on those results instead.
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Well-known member
Just try to forget about it.

Should they be in power to make you fell bad, becuase they say some idiotic thing. I dont think so.


Well-known member
There's a facebook group for everything out there; from I-hate-shy-people to I-hate-leper-gnomes. It's not worth a minute of your time stressing over it.


Well-known member
Sometimes there is lot of shit out there to people like us. There just the assholes who keep us down constantly.


Well-known member
Awww man, you can't let that get to you. Sometimes ppl really don't understand what goes on in ppl's head. Like, I will never understand what goes on in the mind of a germ phobic, or a sociopath, or someone who claims to hear voices.
In 10th grade I remember having to do this skit while having the teacher film us. I told the teacher I wasn't comfortable doing and she just said, "ok, I understand." But the next day she made a comment (not exactly sure how it came about) saying how people "choose" to be shy because they "choose" to care about what others think of them, lol. And I'm just like, no one ****ing CHOOSES to be shy! No more than she CHOSE to be loud (lol)! We can't help who we are. But seriously, I don't think most people realize there's a big difference between someone being shy, and someone suffering with social phobia. And even if they were familiar with the disorder, a lot of ppl wouldn't understand it because they haven't experienced it. So they think it's something we can easily control, and that we simply choose to be this way.


Well-known member
I just had a quick glance but theres a difference between been shy and been rude.

No matter how bad I'm feeling I'll still be polite and have manners: Smiling, holding doors open, helping the elderly etc. I can't stand people who are just plain rude. If I do something courteous I expect to be acknowledged.

I think thats the message they were trying to get across, they just expressed themselves poorly.
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Quiet Angel

Well-known member
That's rather shocking. But think about all the other types of discrimination out there too. Basically everything is criticized. They're just extremely extroverted jerks who don't understand shyness because they've never experienced it themselves. It's unfortunate for them because they won't be able to empathize/sympathize with anyone because of their inability to understand others, or even give the effort to.
Argh, what a stupid group! He must not have much time on his hands. At least it's only got 117 members rather than thousands. This Adam guy doesn't like this type of so-called "rudeness" but yet he doesn't mind being a complete asshole himself. Pfth!

One commenter in the group said, "I find shy people can be quite scary! You never know if they hate you as they are too shy to tell you! You could be talking to them and they could be smiling and nodding away because they are to shy to tell you to bugger and all thats running through their head is "I'm going to push you in front of a speeding truck". Then again I'm paranoid and reckon shy people are plotting and that's why they don't speak!"

wtf ever!

I like what a couple of other commenters said:

"What the hell? You hate shy people, because it is "rude"? What the hell kind of a$$clown logic is that? Just because somebody is shy doesn't mean that they're rude. Seriously, wtf?

Shy people exist. They are everywhere. They will always exist. Find somebody else to talk to and get over it."

"Adam, if you're going to create a whole group dedicated to downgrading a large population of people that don't want to socialize with ignorant, one-sided people like you, at least get a 101 lesson in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If you're going to insult shy people, at least construct a sentence correctly to not make yourself look like even more of an ass than you already have."

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