Awww man, you can't let that get to you. Sometimes ppl really don't understand what goes on in ppl's head. Like, I will never understand what goes on in the mind of a germ phobic, or a sociopath, or someone who claims to hear voices.
In 10th grade I remember having to do this skit while having the teacher film us. I told the teacher I wasn't comfortable doing and she just said, "ok, I understand." But the next day she made a comment (not exactly sure how it came about) saying how people "choose" to be shy because they "choose" to care about what others think of them, lol. And I'm just like, no one ****ing CHOOSES to be shy! No more than she CHOSE to be loud (lol)! We can't help who we are. But seriously, I don't think most people realize there's a big difference between someone being shy, and someone suffering with social phobia. And even if they were familiar with the disorder, a lot of ppl wouldn't understand it because they haven't experienced it. So they think it's something we can easily control, and that we simply choose to be this way.