I feel like I'm terrible at everything.


Well-known member
Does anybody else feel like they aren't skilled at ANYTHING?

I had potential artistic talent since my mom paints very well and does ceramics, but I wasted my teenage years away with the internet and all my video games. In fact, before I became sucked away into the deepest pit of anxiety hell I was a good artist. I'd sketch from time to time but now I have no inspiration at all. I feel like a ****ing hermit, all I do all day is sit around in my room on the internet or playing a game.

I feel as if I have to FORCE myself to change or else I'll be doomed to a life of loneliness. The problem is that I'm too afraid to change...

Sorry for rambling.


Well-known member
Sounds like me lol. I don't think it's so much that I'm not skilled at anything, or that I can't learn a skill. I think it has more to do with my own negative thoughts and perception of self. I can be engaged in a conversation and the moment I say something wrong or a little innappropriate I say to myself, "I'm so stupid!" There's hardly a day that goes by where I don't call myself stupid... I have different interests, but the thing is I'm always wasting my time on sites like myspace and youtube, rather than trying to better myself. When I'm not wasting my time on myspace or youtube, I'm day-dreaming lol. I think the reason I'm always on myspace is because I find myself more fascinated with other people's lives rather than my own. Here's one example: there's this one guy on myspace that I think is cute. So, I check his page like every 45 minutes just to see if he's signed in, or if he's uploaded some new pics, or to see if some female has left him a new comment lol... I'm pathetic! Lol.
But no, ur not alone.
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Well-known member
If you want to get better at something you have to be willing to spend a lot of time sucking at it but doing it anyway. Your problem, which everyone experiences sometimes, is that you want to already be good at things, without having to do the work necessary to get good.

You get better at whatever you spend time doing. In this case, you've spent a lot of time being depressed, anxious, lonely, and so on. So those are the things you're good at. If you want to get better at something else, do that something else.

There is no magic to it, just work. Some days the work is easy, and you call it "inspiration". Some days the work is hard, but you do it anyway.


Active member
Actually, you are going through the toughest part of get good at something. Let's face it, a clay must be melted before shaped into a beautiful piece of art. It's good that you are expressing your thoughts here. Don't give up if you really determine to do what you want :)


Well-known member
You can start to be creative though, you just need the motivation and inspiration to start it off and the momentum will keep you interested.


Well-known member
the thing is I'm always wasting my time on sites like myspace and youtube, rather than trying to better myself. When I'm not wasting my time on myspace or youtube, I'm day-dreaming lol. I think the reason I'm always on myspace is because I find myself more fascinated with other people's lives rather than my own. Here's one example: there's this one guy on myspace that I think is cute. So, I check his page like every 45 minutes just to see if he's signed in, or if he's uploaded some new pics, or to see if some female has left him a new comment lol... I'm pathetic! Lol.
But no, ur not alone.

I hardly imagine I'm skilled at anything at all, but I'm sure if I really really tried, I could be skilled at something. But the trouble is as you have described. I daydream ALOT, in fact, its been this way since I was a kid, probably from ages 9 or 10 onwards. And the bigger trouble is, I find it does interfere with my daily life, I do it on the bus, in school during lessons when I used to go to school, it even happens at work now, I find my mind drifting to daydream about people surrounding me, and those people probably have all got their own lives and couldn't give a damn about me, I'm just one of the many many people they work with or go to school with, nothing more. And the worse thing is, all these daydreaming affects my mood, its like I psycho myself to be in a position where I daydream myself to be and then when it doesn't happen I get upset, its pretty silly & laughable, its even embarrassing posting about it here I think.


Well-known member
I used to be good at artistic things: coloring, crafts, painting, drawing, creating, and writing. I used to be known for my creativity. I think a combination of age and the internet world has caused me to neglect what I once loved and was good at. But, you are certainly not the only one. I know quite a few others who have lost interests because of dumb technology -like facebooking, etc. You just have to get offline and do something you once loved again. Rekindle the passion, so to speak. Even if you have to limit yourself to 1 or 2 hours on the net. You might even need to take up new hobbies. Learn a new instrument, learn a new language, take up pilates. Do something new.


Well-known member
yes i use to love art like a lot of you but i've become so lazy.. and uninterested in doing anything i use to like to do really. Quit piano.. quit drawing, dance, and mostly log in online. Not really interested in anything else for now.. don't know how to shake out of this mindset adnd apathy. I think if i had no access to my computer or tv then i'd have the motivation to pick up a hobby.. but that's not going to happen. *hugs pc


Well-known member
Yes I feel that when ever I go to a new job or start something new that I will fail because it has happened so many times before.


Active member
I hardly imagine I'm skilled at anything at all, but I'm sure if I really really tried, I could be skilled at something. But the trouble is as you have described. I daydream ALOT, in fact, its been this way since I was a kid, probably from ages 9 or 10 onwards. And the bigger trouble is, I find it does interfere with my daily life, I do it on the bus, in school during lessons when I used to go to school, it even happens at work now, I find my mind drifting to daydream about people surrounding me, and those people probably have all got their own lives and couldn't give a damn about me, I'm just one of the many many people they work with or go to school with, nothing more. And the worse thing is, all these daydreaming affects my mood, its like I psycho myself to be in a position where I daydream myself to be and then when it doesn't happen I get upset, its pretty silly & laughable, its even embarrassing posting about it here I think.

This is pretty much me except I day dream so much I don't even have a job.


Well-known member
Maybe you're good at video games then! Might not seem like much, but i sometimes wish i was better at them so i could bond better with some of my friends who are absolute fanatics...

In the end though, you need to work out what's more important for you/for your happiness... if you've already got some artistic talent then you should definitely pursue it!


Well-known member
This is the absolute truth:

If you want to get better at something you have to be willing to spend a lot of time sucking at it but doing it anyway. Your problem, which everyone experiences sometimes, is that you want to already be good at things, without having to do the work necessary to get good.

You get better at whatever you spend time doing. In this case, you've spent a lot of time being depressed, anxious, lonely, and so on. So those are the things you're good at. If you want to get better at something else, do that something else.

There is no magic to it, just work. Some days the work is easy, and you call it "inspiration". Some days the work is hard, but you do it anyway.

There is no way around it.
I daydream a lot too... Sometimes I spend all day like that. The days when I have to do something out of home when I come home after that I start daydreaming and I want to recapture for the time I haven't daydreamed... I feel anxiuos if I don't daydream. I start a lot of things but I don't finish them. It's very hard to quit daydreaming.


Well-known member
You just lack esteem.

You might be the best in the world at something you've never tried for all you know... ;)


I had no skills at anything besides video games before I got depressed. After reaching my lowest point in my life I decided I would learn everything possible in order to get well again. Psychology and pharmacology is what I spent my time at, therefore its what I eventually got good at and it is what Im going to devote my life doing.


Well-known member
If you want to get better at something you have to be willing to spend a lot of time sucking at it but doing it anyway. Your problem, which everyone experiences sometimes, is that you want to already be good at things, without having to do the work necessary to get good.

I experience that problem a LOT.

I would love to be able to draw/sketch things from my imagination, but I dont have the motivation (or Im just too lazy) to start and learn from the beginning. I did try for about 3 days... but I got so frustrated that my drawings were so terrible that I gave up.

Thats just one example, but I could list many.

I buy a lot of non-fiction books covering subjects I would like to learn more about, and end up reading half of it and then, again, I get frustrated because of the scope of what Im trying to achieve and the time it will take me to master the subject.

I know Im capable of learning just about any skill, but its the lack of motivation that holds me back (or keeping myself motivated for more than a few weeks.)


Well-known member
I daydream a lot too... Sometimes I spend all day like that. The days when I have to do something out of home when I come home after that I start daydreaming and I want to recapture for the time I haven't daydreamed... I feel anxiuos if I don't daydream. I start a lot of things but I don't finish them. It's very hard to quit daydreaming.

Lol, I'm the same way. It's like I have to take time out of the day just to day-dream lol. And if I don't do it my day just won't go right. I won't become anxious, but I will become very moody and bit**y lol. Like, If someone's constantly interrupting me while I'm trying to day-dream, I might snap on them lol. (and my younger cousin is good for interrupting me!). My mom does it too (not the snapping part though lol), so I think I may've inherited it from her?
I guess day-dreaming is just a symptom of social phobia. Before I thought I was like the only person w/ this problem. I see I was wrong. That's why I'm so glad I found this site. I wasn't sure if what I was experiencing was due to my own "weird-ness" or "craziness", or my social phobia.