Even my dreams are miserable!


Well-known member
My dreams have a recurring theme i.e - rejection

I keep dreaming that i am rejected by girls mainly. I keep dreaming that the girl i love will reject me and find someone better than me.


I have dreamt today that I forgot my handbag with purse somewhere on the airport. Terrible dream. I frequently keep forgeting my money or things somewhere or get robbed (in dreams). Then I wake up and am so happy that it wasn´t true.


Well-known member
I had a really horrible dream the other night also that i had an Octopus stuck on my back! Yuck it was so horrible!


Well-known member
i had an f'ed dream where i was attached to 5 balloons and i was in the mall parking lot and started to float up into the sky and it was very windy but i was able to control how high i went so i grabbed on to the top of an evergreen tree i usually see there but i couldnt pull myself down to the ground, this is the 3rd flying dream where i am fying but can land, thoughts on this if any?
i had an f'ed dream where i was attached to 5 balloons and i was in the mall parking lot and started to float up into the sky and it was very windy but i was able to control how high i went so i grabbed on to the top of an evergreen tree i usually see there but i couldnt pull myself down to the ground, this is the 3rd flying dream where i am fying but can land, thoughts on this if any?

go on google n type in "dream interpretations" click the first search result. They have all types of dreams


Well-known member
I had a dream last night of a giant demonic white a black worm terrorizing a city. Shit was crazy, it was like I was inside of a movie. I have so many out of this world dreams that I should write a book or something.


Well-known member
I had a dream like that last night.....I went to the hairdressers and one of the barbers was the older sister from "10 simple rules". We got chatting and we got on really well and I thought about asking her out.....then the barber shop turned into a small hall with a wrestling ring in it and some musclemen duelled it out, then at some point the ring disappeared and we were playing keepy uppy's with a football and I was impressing her with my skills!......

....but then some guy turned up and he started smooching with her and I realised she already had a boyfriend and felt bad!....::(:

......then I woke up!