Post your picture thread


Active member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Welcome Jco, I've been here for about a week, it's a nice feeling to belong somewhere.

The site as a whole is just so great. All of what I've read so far (aside from maybe one or two threads) has been exactly what I've been dealing with for over a year now. It feels awesome knowing there are so many others out there like me. I know it sounds cliche, but it's so true.

I have this silly theory that if everyone had Social Anxiety, that no one would. I believe a lot of it has to do with the feeling of indifference and neglect. If we were all to have the condition, those feelings would be rendered unnecessary. Too bad, only a select few of us do have the "disease."


Well-known member
Re: Pretty pretty princess

Went to London about three years ago and had to take photos for my brother standing next to the performers of Billy Elliot. We waited outside next to the stage door; he’s a fan of the show, seen it like twenty times. Most of the photos turned out bad.
Oh I don't think I'd have been able to re-arrange the people for pics like that, hehe! I'd have been way too embarrassed! It's only when I'm taking photos of people I know pretty well that I'm able to tell them to stand here or there or wherever ;) Pro photographers are amazing, my best friend got married last year and the photographer knew just how to get people to pose so that the pics came out with great composition and balance, but still looking fairly natural. He had to be really bossy with us though and tell us where to put our arms, legs etc, otherwise we were all over the place, haha! I think that's why I start directing people sometimes; I get frustrated when I can see how I want the pic to be, but the people are standing like cardboard cut-outs instead of looking natural. I've got total sympathy when people do that though, because I freeze too sometimes when a camera gets pointed at me! ::eek:: Sometimes I prefer candid, totally natural photos, where the subjects aren't self-conscious at all.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

That's a good idea, think I might start a book thread! :)


This one's from a couple of years ago, with my beautiful kitty!

Your cat is gorgeous! And of course it's colour goes with the goth image:D Is it a boy? I had a female black cat but she sadly did in 2003. I loved her so much::(:


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Wow I really like the look and in the other pic and you are pretty.

I've always found the goth look to be sexy::p:

Aw thankees! ::eek:: <-- mucho blushings!

Your cat is gorgeous! And of course it's colour goes with the goth image Is it a boy? I had a female black cat but she sadly did in 2003. I loved her so much::(:

He's a l'il beauty, ain't he? When we got him, he was the kitten sat on his own in the corner of the box looking grumpy - all the others were curled up together in an adorable blob of kittenish loveliness! We took home the grumpy l'il SA cat, lol! He's pretty wild, but every now and then he'll come and cuddle up with one of us and purr like crazy. I'm really sorry to hear you lost your cat, it's heartbreaking when that happens! ::(:


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Aw thankees! ::eek:: <-- mucho blushings!

He's a l'il beauty, ain't he? When we got him, he was the kitten sat on his own in the corner of the box looking grumpy - all the others were curled up together in an adorable blob of kittenish loveliness! We took home the grumpy l'il SA cat, lol! He's pretty wild, but every now and then he'll come and cuddle up with one of us and purr like crazy. I'm really sorry to hear you lost your cat, it's heartbreaking when that happens! ::(:

Cool so you have a socially anxious cat! The two cats we have now are not that friendly. They never sit on anyone's knee. My black cat was always on my knee, she wouldn't leave me alone! She was more like a dog in a way, because they do say that dogs are more affectionate. I miss the closeness i had with her.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Yay, psyche, I didn't realize that you'd posted it already. Delicious picture, it's great to see you not washed out. Your hair looks awesome, did you finally blacken it?
Time Hates You

lol thanks. I wish I looked like her!!!! Nope. I think I've come to the realization that it doesn't need to blackified yet, or at least by the looks of it. Maybe it was just the evil old sun again...