Does anyone else feel guilty for being successfull while having social anxiety?


I feel somehow like I cheated the system because of how successful I have been at my job despite my problems. I deliver papers in the very early mornings and have managed to make lemonade out of lemons as I do routes no one wanted to do and get paid extra for doing it. My job is not the kind of job that is normally linked to being successful. I feel guilty that a lot of people with the same social problems end up living at home needing their parents help or simply can't make ends meet yet I am succeeding with a job considered childish. The thing is that it's the only way I can succeed as I don't work with anyone else and it's in the middle of the night. So no drama with other people.

On top of that I recently was offered the option of doing a short run for a lot more money again only I was willing to do it as it has high miles yet I feel guilty because other people with social anxiety are struggling.

I also at one time had gynenocyamastia(man boobs) and had to surgically remove them which was expensive. Some people with the disorder never get to afford the surgery so I find myself feeling miserable that I managed because I am being overpaid in my job. I also feel miserable that I managed to fix my teeth which I wasn't taking proper care of, yet my brother is in the same boat and can't afford to get his teeth fixed.

I think the major reason I feel guilty is that I am succeeding to a high level with a little kids job. Plus my co workers don't make anywhere near what I make because I tend not to mind doing things the other drivers would refuse to do so my bosses count on me when asking for extra work. I also have been keeping what I make secret so my coworker won't complain and get jealous. So I feel I am being sneaky, but I have to be. I can' function in any other job and need to keep this one going. I feel like they can function in other jobs and I feel like I can't and have to get overpaid in order to make my living.
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Well-known member
Sounds like you're just making the best of things, despite your issues. I'm jealous! I think we'd all like to find a solo job like yours. Good on you.


thats actually awesome.

dont feel guilty about it and dont let anyone MAKE you feel guilty about it . my mom used to know a woman who cleans houses for a living and she made SO much money from it. she was able to buy a big house of her own and put her kids through college just from being a maid.

if you can cheat the system without breaking the law then DO it. life is too short to overwork yourself without having much to show for it.
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Well-known member
Nothing to feel guilty about. SA or not, most people are striving to find the best fit when it comes to the type of job that will give them the best success. Sounds like you found yours. The things you can buy as a result is merely a by product of your good fortune. Feel relieved, not guilty.


Well-known member
I do sometimes. I'll want to rant about my problems but then see others having bigger issues than mine. And usually I'll feel to bad to say anything then.


I do, because I work with a woman who has severe anxiety and OCD and sees both a therapist and psychiatrist for it. Even though she is in treatment and on medication, she is doing much worse than I am. And I am not in treatment or on medication. She struggles every day and has a really hard time doing basic things, while I am in charge of a lot at work and do fine. To know this is her baseline on medication and in treatment is scary. I'm not even quite sure she should be working.


Well-known member
You know, now that I really think about it I have been feeling a little guilty lately. After working several jobs where my SA eventually caught up with me (people always began to notice my disinterest in socializing much, my nervous demeanor among other things and decided they don't like me much), about 6 months ago, I finally found a job where I fit in. We all get along well, almost everyone there is older than me or at least on a more mature level than my prior co-workers. There's no pressure to go out together with anyone during lunch because everyone does their own thing and nobody thinks twice about it. Nobody pressures anyone else to attend outside of work social functions. When it's time to go we all say goodbye to each other and happily go our separate ways. This job also pays more than my previous jobs but with very little stress. I feel a little guilty because I almost feel that God looked at me and said, "This guy can't hack it in a real environment, so let me throw him a softball by giving him the most stress free, easy to handle job I can find for him". LOL. But I remind myself of all the years I spent, struggling to fit in and any guilty feelings go away. Maybe instead of taking pity on me, God rewarded me for all the years I stuck it out instead of giving up and either becoming an alcoholic, drug addict or blowing my brains out. Either way, I am thankful for where I am at this point.


Well-known member
You deserve your success. Don't feel guilty. I understand that sometimes when things start going your way you feel as if others who have what you have or worse are still suffering. In a very weird way it feels like somehow you are betraying them for having this success. But that is not how it is at all. If anything as a sufferer, I am happy and proud when I read about people who have similar issues being able to go out there and make something of themselves. It let's me know that as difficult as it may be, it is possible to make something of yourself. So to make a long story short, don't feel guilt feel proud of yourself.:thumbup:
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I look at this that the planet owes me 10, it took alot away from me before i started life, it owes me big time.

Being good at my job is nice, however others dont seem to see it that way


New member
I read your message and I think that you are overcoming your socia anxiety disorder with your job.I think you should be just proud of it and you have not to feel guilty for other people here in the forum or in the real life,because you can be a good example and a hope for everyone that is in the same situation as yours,and also for the people that are struggling to came out from it.Best reguards.Enrico from Italy
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Well-known member
no, I don't. I always felt I should be rewarded
for doing 'common things'. it's 1 milion times harder for someone with SA


Well-known member
You should just enjoy the things you have and be a little more selfish so as not to feel bad about other people. Maybe channel that guilt into giving people advice, helping them out, etc.


Well-known member
Don't feel guilty. I wish that I could find that type of happiness and success. I still have hope that one day I will be successful. Even though it gets tough, I keep pushing forward.

Even if you have social anxiety, you've managed to find your way in life. Good for you! I'm happy for you.

Like one person said, you can also help others with social anxiety with career advice. You know what it's like to have this disorder and you also know that people who have it have a hard time maintaining and finding employment.

But if you don't want to give advice, completely up to you.