Do you smile when someone talks to you?


Well-known member
I have noticed that even when I feel totally not in the mood for socializing and/or kind of depressed and someone talks to me, I immediately reply with a smile. It's like a subconcious thing I can't control. Is it with everyone like that? Is it some kind of defense mechanism so others wouldn't see us as depressed miserable human beings they better avoid?
Yeah, I definitely smile just to put a facade up and I guess because it feels like the "normal" thing to do.


Well-known member
actually im the other way ....... i look at them as if to say yea hello what do you want
I think I smile partly from embarrassment- not knowing what to say. Other times the smile is definitely forced, as I'm thinking "shut up and go away already, can't you tell I don't want to talk?"
I only make sure I smile when someone talks to me because I'm afraid of what they'll think of me if I don't.


Well-known member
I am the same why sometimes. I hate it because people always think I am upset but when I say something I smile and it probably looks terrible how my face changes.


Well-known member
I think keep a fairly neutral face. I think it's a habit I picked up when working retail. I didn't want to act interested in what people had to say so they would stop. But also I couldn't make a scowl and have them complain to my boss.
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Defence mechanism would definitely be half the case with me - the other half woould be that i'm overjoyed that someone ACTUALLY wants to associate with me! I'm actually really smiley when im in a place i can talk to anyone (which rules out most situations!)


Well-known member
I didn't use to, but now as I'm trying to improve I always smile when someone talks to me.


Well-known member
I have gotten better at it with practice. It is the accepted response when someone talks to you. If I need to talk for reason and they do not smile it makes me think they are mad or something. I tend to overthink it sometimes though I am sure I make a wierd face.


Well-known member
I try not to smile fully, like with teeth showing, but i do grin a lot especially with people i feel comfortable around!


Well-known member
Not very often though I think it entirely depends on what they're talking about and the way in which they're saying it. Generally, I'll only smile if the person is talking to me about something really enthusiastically so as not to appear rude. That being said though, I very much doubt that the smiles come off as sincere.


Well-known member
I used to not smile at people and everyone one would be like "Why don't you ever smile?" and now I have developed a habit of smiling when I am nervous.


Well-known member
i only smile with my freiends or ppl im comfortable with

its near impossible for me to smile at strangers
I find myself wondering the same thing, guess its nerves. Eye contact and a smile I have always thought keep me a little less awkward feeling. Thats what I love about this group, Things that have sort of lingered in my thoughts get verbalized by others, so its comforting to be in a like minded setting. "you are not alone" is so true and thats a good feeling! When is the annual SocialPhobiaWorld Convention? that would be fantastic.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
I believe you are correct. It is a defense mechanism brought about by our society in that receiving empathetic actions or showing pain brings ridicule to that person, thus we give a false facade of happiness to avoid being mocked.

As for me, I rarely ever smile at all.


yeah! i've always been the really nice one, the one that never answers back or says no, always got a smile.
thats why you get walked on when you're like that as i do!