Do you smile when someone talks to you?

ye its an automatic thing for me. Probably so that I give off a 'friendly vibe' and it will seem like I enjoy the conversation despite my silence.
I act, since I usually don't allow people to know how I feel. Sometimes, it's just a privacy thing. When someone talks to me, I'm more surprised and nervous than anything and don't let them know that.
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I think I don't smile enough..people have told me that when they first met me they thought I was cold or aloof or that I seemed like a bitch - which is totally NOT what I'm trying to project! And then after they got to know me they realized that i'm just really guarded and don't let people in very quickly...I WISH I could just smile more when I talk to people, even if it was just a nervous reaction, I hate having people think I'm not a nice girl...


Well-known member
Im the same way. It annoys me because I cant react with the appropriate emotions, I smile doesnt matter if the other person is talking about something sad or not. For example someone says they got hurt or something is aching but I am smiling like a stupid :S it is like you said something subconscious I cant control.


depends on who is talking to me, if iam comfortable i wont smile but i wont look angry either but if i feel nervous i can barely talk let alone smile lol, ive been told i look angry when iam like that........also being depressed doesnt i dont talk much so my mouth isnt used to moving haha


Well-known member
Not at all, I do the same thing but mine is kinda out of nervousness of the situation. I smile because I'm uncomfortable and have nothing else to add to the conversation most of the time.


Well-known member
I'm like, complete silence and awkwardness and then if someone comes up to me I start smiling automaticaly. I think I really mean it, but its weird.


Well-known member
Maybe a little bit. When I go in for a job interview, or hell, even if I'm on a date, I tend to smile a little too much. It's so fake it's disgusting. Normally, though, I'll smile just a tiny bit so I don't come off as rude or bitchy. Unless, of course, I'm not in a good mood to begin with.


Well-known member
Sometimes I grin so wide that it scares people off especially if they are talking serious stuff. Good God I can barely comprehend social situations..


Well-known member
I can't help it, I'll smile and laugh in any situation no matter how serious. I also think that I overdo eye contact as well.


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Depends on the situation. Though when I'm buying or paying for something I usually try to be polite to the operator and smile back.


Well-known member
I find it very difficult to smile around people so I go around with a fixed, miserable-looking expression.:)
It's a real problem I wish I could do something about.


Well-known member
That's all I know how to do when talking to someone, to smile and nod, because I want them to like me. And to me likeable=nice.

Awkward Annie

Well-known member
I'm always being told by strangers to "cheer up". It drives me mad. I don't know how to naturally smile in front of a people I'm unfamiliar with. I try to but my eyes give it away and I end up looking really nervous so I mutter something and leave as soon as I can. Besides, a dour face usually stops people from talking to me which is fine by me (most of the time).


Well-known member
I'm always being told by strangers to "cheer up".
While walking along the quay in Waterford last Summer an old drunk man shouted at me "Cheer up, yeh miserable bastard. It might never happen!!!" :)
I was mortified - plenty of other people around.:)