Why should I continue to live?

Why should I stay alive? I'm having a hard time determining the answer to that question right now. Perhaps it's something only I can answer for myself. I don't mean to dampen anyone's mood and I know this forum isn't only about me, but I don't know what to do anymore and every second that goes by, it all becomes more unbearable. Please, I'm asking for help. This is embarrassing for me.
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Well-known member
You don't have to be embarrassed.::(: I don't know your situation or anything but I'd try to stay alive, maybe life has something good for you!


Well-known member
Whether you think it or not, your life is of value. You do have potential. If you can't think of anything to really be grateful for, just focus on the smaller things too. It's all around you!

From experience of being around the same state you seem to be in, it will pass. For me, the actual state where I felt like I could truly do something to myself only lasted a short time. Sure, I still felt extremely depressed before and after, but the extreme state itself passed. Just try letting it pass, don't hold onto the thoughts, etc. When I was in that kind of state, everythinnnnnng was emphasized and dramatized.
Ultimately, only you have the answers. But maybe if you're comfortable in sharing more... I've been through that period before. All I can say is that you really need to search deep within yourself and at the same time, accept help from those who care about you... Hope that makes some sense.
because u need to experience what real life is like, not he world of shadows we've been living in! and it might seem like an endless fight... now it might be even worse dying so for now just think of one good memor u have and isnt it willing to experience just that one good memory again? :) things change..and for all we know death could be even worse and u mgiht not nsucceed in ur attempt, si it is not worth it :)


Well-known member
Hmmm. Regardless of what you believe in, I think it's a lot more liberating to think that you're not here for any huge or particular reason. Just that you're here and you can make of it what you will!
I think with such a mental model it's good to be a little though on oneself.
Think of all the poor people in third world countries and what they wouldn't give
to be in your shoes. I do this and it shames me so I keep pushing myself further
in life. Or that is to say to the best of my ability.


Hmmm. Regardless of what you believe in, I think it's a lot more liberating to think that you're not here for any huge or particular reason. Just that you're here and you can make of it what you will!

even canadians can say great things:)


Well-known member
A lot of the good reasoning has already been said, I am just posting to show I care.
Why should that be a question for us to answer?

because maybe he just needs to know that there are some human beings on this planet that care whether he lives or dies.:)

As you can see, from reading the previous posts, there are some in here that definitely do not want you go away illumination!(me too):) so hang in there as long as you can, and what you are feeling right now may just pass.


Well-known member
because maybe he just needs to know that there are some human beings on this planet that care whether he lives or dies.:)

As you can see, from reading the previous posts, there are some in here that definitely do not want you go away illumination!(me too):) so hang in there as long as you can, and what you are feeling right now may just pass.

Reassurance has its use, but it won't really answer the question. I think the question remains despite how one feels now or later.


Well-known member
Personally, i believe this is one of the questions that are just impossible to answer for us as humans, that is why religion is so important for us to live a happy life. I think going back to religion helps infinitely !


Well-known member
There have been times in my life that I seriously wished for death,...if only to escape the unbearable pain caused by the events occurring in my life at that time.

Somehow, I managed the strength to keep going. And now I am very glad that I did. With the passage of time, things in my life changed...my relationships changed, circumstances changed, people changed, I changed - everything changed.

That's the one thing you can always be sure of - things WILL change. It is the nature of the universe. It is guaranteed.

As the planet revolves and time passes, everything you see, feel, touch, taste, and hear will change in some way. Now only lasts an instant - this sentence you are reading is in the past before you have finished reading it.

What you are experiencing will not - can not - last forever. Just keep on holding on. If for no other reason - continue to live so that you can witness those changes.

In spite of what you may tell yourself and others - you do NOT know what the future holds. You know this is true deep down - you can't be sure that tomorrow will be worse - there is a chance that when things change, they'll change for the better. If not tomorrow, then next week, next year...in 5 years...who knows? Out of a lifespan , a few years are nothing looking back. Might they not be worth the wait?

Aren't you even the least bit curious to see whether something miraculous and beautiful will unfold?

You'll never know unless you stick around.