You might be socially anxious if...


Well-known member
the following conversation never transitions smoothly...

other person: hello "x"
you:hello "y" how are you?
other person:I'm doing well how about you.
you:I'm also well and you?
other person:....
Is it a bad thing that most of my conversations are like that? XD


Well-known member
you normally hate socialising, but suddenly become excited about socialising when it's a fancy dress party and you know your face will be painted and/or you get to wear a mask ALL night!


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You're scared to phone anyone at all, even members of your family, and you have to plan for a long time what you're going to say to them.


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If you'd do anything to get into solitary while in prison

The above and "the only date I've ever had came from eating in" were both laugh-out-louders for me.

I've always wondered why prisoners complain about solitary. Reading all day with no people around? Great! The only thing I'd need to strategize to get out of is that one hour a day outside exercise.

Here's my list:

...if you'd rather be 15 minutes early to school/work/church than to get there at the last minute and be the one everyone stares at. find yourself raising your voice because no one seems to hear or respond to you. can write countless pages of fiction that people sincerely say they're entertained by, yet when you're stuck in a one on one conversation the person is practically knocked unconscious by the forehead-to-the-table boredom you can't help but cause will only say hi to you if their path brings them toe to toe with you.

...your boss threatens to fire you after seeing you sit in the truck during an outdoor project, when it's really not laziness that caused it but your desire not to be back inside with people.

...telling yourself that you'll look ridiculous giving a speech of course leads to you looking ridiculous giving a speech, and you can see the audience looking at you like, "You do realize you look and sound pathetic right now, don't you." (Yes, we know.)

--you drag your feet to delay making an attempt at fulfilling your dreams because doing so preserves the scintilla of hope that they might actually come true someday. Actually trying all your plans and failing, then what?

---during the exceedingly rare times when members of the opposite gender make it clear they like you, long mental lists are compiled to try to talk them out of it. A few you subtly explain to them, the others you demonstrate to them.


Well-known member
You don't go to Communion in Church because you know that on the way back to your seat you are fully exposed for all to see.


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... People think you have no opinions and you agree with everyone when working in groups. Like this. Person 1: "I think we should do like this" Me: "Yeah that's good" Person 2: "It's better if we do like this" Me: "Eh, yeah that's also good"

... If you have a minimal pimple somewhere in your face you feel like everyone notices it and find you disgusting

... You feel like you are always dressed wrongly

... You have a nervous laughter that you hate

... You are a perfectionist
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You love the idea of a job where you work straight through with no breaks, purely because you find canteens and breaktimes unbearable!


Well-known member go into a store looking for one specific item, and when someone asks if they can help you find anything you say no, you're just looking around. Then you get frustrated because you can't find the item that you need.