I will never forgive the bullies, I'm not able to while I still live the issues raised from it.
I am in a long term relationship with the only person I have ever been with, yet called a **** during school. I have never slept with a male. I had chewed gum stuck in my hair as a girls’ idea of humiliation. I have since never been able to grow my hair that long again for this reason, in case I don’t notice someone sticking something or putting something in it. The pain of trying to get the gum out, and then having to cut it out close to the root was horrendous.
I don’t go out and so******e at clubs or night events because I don’t need a reputation that I ‘earn’ for myself. I studied and got a degree and work in corporate where I blend in and just take it that one day at a time. I find it hard to spend money because I always think there is something around the corner that I will need it for, since things ultimately come up and I need one way to control it.
I have issues understanding my potential and recognising I am in fact worth something. I am a dedicated partner, sister, daughter and aunt. I will however, never have a biological child of my own because I have complete paranoia around their future, their wellbeing and their capacity to grow in a world that is so horrible. Also, I can’t live down the **** comment from earlier so I just wouldn’t.
I remember downing 12 headache tablets and reading the packet that guided a maximum of 6 only in a day. I remember finding tablets not for human consumption and taking them only to fall violently ill; including significant vomiting even where there was nothing left to vomit over the toilet bowl and be okay with that. I remember my dad watching over me and not knowing what I had done, but also not knowing how to help his daughter or fix the issues underlying the choice I had made. I forced myself to throw up after eating and then my mums’ horror when she found the towels in my room soaked in mashed up food.
I remember my first heartbreak; I remember the sleepless nights where it felt like I was up all night just sobbing over the ache. I remember never feeling good enough, not ever being able to do the ‘right’ thing or ever really ‘fitting in’. I continually cut myself, I got so close to finally getting the result I wanted and my mum called the house; said that she had a horrible feeling in her stomach that she just needed to call home and make sure someone was there and everything was ok. That distracted me from the event, and it did ultimately save my life.
I wrote a suicide letter that my parents found and had the anguish of reading. I seriously thought about taking my life in front of an oncoming train, only that I had a friend of mine with me and as the train approached they broke down entirely and I couldn’t do that to them.
I’ve been selfish, I’ve thought only of myself but I am working to be better, more thoughtful and loving to those close to me. I hate that those who inflict pain on others really don’t understand that what they say and do really does stick with a person and forms part of their make up and sense of themselves. At the end of the day we don’t ever really know what someone is going through behind closed doors, so it's really not that hard to be nice.