Why is it easier to get to know people online


Than it is in real life? I am completely ignored in real life, but online I can make friends fairly easily. What is it about the internet that makes people relate so easily to each other?

no one can see you sweat/blush/stutter/look uncomfortable/look for something to say/feel awkward etc etc

You can take your time ,.choose your words carefully and hide your mental health to a degree

thats why :D


Hmmm.. Indeed... If only real life had a backspace button or an animated paperclip to give you guidance..


Well-known member
That depends on the person I have just as much trouble making friends online as I do in real life maybe even more since I've never made a friend online but I have made a friend in real life.
Not entirely sure, to be honest. I know that for me it's the ability to write and think through what I'm going to say to someone online. In real life I do that too, but it gets me weird looks all around. :/

I guess social pressure is less on the internet. And of course there is also the fact that you're initially anonymous to the person you're meeting, and vice versa. :3


Well-known member
Sadly, for me, it's equally as hard to befriend a person online as it is in the real world...


1.they cant see who you are
2.no eye contact no speaking^^
3.it is way more easy just to write thinks from youre head than talking about it...


Well-known member
It's way easier for me to type than to speak. I have a very strong accent and it gets even stronger when I'm nervous. So most of the time when I talk to people I have to repeat myself, which is very annoying. ::(:


Well-known member
It's way easier for me to type than to speak. I have a very strong accent and it gets even stronger when I'm nervous. So most of the time when I talk to people I have to repeat myself, which is very annoying. ::(:

Same, I always gotta say it twice or triple. That's another reason for being quiet.


Well-known member
cos you will say things online that you would never say to people in real life , i find that people online are more honest about there feelings , ..... well on this site anyways , some people abuse the web and make a false profile about themselves , tell lies about this and that ect just living a false fantasy online i soppose ..


Well-known member
Well, we're all kind of strangers to one another. It's easier to relate to people in text, than it is in person. You can talk about your life, feelings, thoughts, etc., and still remain anonymous online, if you so choose. You can't do that in real life. Online, you're kind of hidden from the other person by Internetness. You can be yourself without being judged. And if someone DOES judge you online, you can simply block them. In person, you're more vulnerable. It explains why I have a few good Internet buddies, but no physical friends.


Well-known member
One reason for me is that it's easier to escape if things get awkward. You can simply say a quick goodbye and log off, whereas in person, it's harder to suddenly say, "I gotta go" and leave.
Because they don't see you, you can wait 10 minutes before replying, fix your words or erase everything if you see something wrong etc...


I have always noticed that people have a lot of barriers in real life. They are so difficult to get to know, and so afraid of each other. There is this mentality of "I dont know you, and I dont want to know you..."

Which to me suggests that if thats the way people are, then how on earth is anyone supposed to make friends and form relationships...

Quite frankly, I am amazed we have survived as a species....

I mean.... If I ever suggested a topic like this in real life, I am pretty certain people would just look at me as if I am some kind of nutcase....we are not supposed to talk about things like this in real life it would seem...to illustrative of human nature...most awkward.


Well-known member
Its probably because there is a lot less pressure, people usually can't see you and you have time to compose your answer.