Why do people laugh at me?

I mean I've never been bullied or made fun of I don't think, just whenever I talk or gain any sort of spot light its like people can't take me seriously... That or something else is probably wrong with me which is making me not like any attention at all. I honestly just have no idea what the real problem here is, really screwing with me... :confused:


Well-known member
I have the same problem too. I think it's due to a mix of social awkwardness and my childish appearance, both of which can be fixed.


Well-known member
I also have that problem. I think it's because people with SA have different mannerisms and ways of expressing ourselves. People tend to ridicule anything that is not the norm.


Well-known member
Same problem here. I can't figure out exactly what "it" is. If anyone could follow me around and point out exactly what I'm doing wrong and teach me how to fix it, I would pay them lots of money!


Well-known member
After analizing this same peoblem for years, ive concluded that the treatment you get from people is simply a reaction to whatever insecurities you bring to the groupe of convasation. This is why when ever im in that situation I need to have a few drinks relax a bit, then in my head say dont give a crap just be yourself, then guaranteed people respect me more. Its sad but people are like how dogs can sense fear, people can sense and use insecurity to elevate themselves to make them look or feel better then you.
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Well-known member
After analizing this same peoblem for years, ive concluded that the treatment you get from people is simply a reaction to whatever insecurities you bring to the groupe of convasation. This is why when ever im in that situation I need to have a few drinks relax a bit, then in my head say dont give a crap just be yourself, then guaranteed people respect me more. Its sad but people are like how dogs can sense fear, people can sense and use insecurity to elevate themselves to make them look or feel better then you.

Totally agree with this.


Well-known member
I used to get a lot of strange looks for my awkwardness and clumsiness. Eventually, I started playing it up - just a little bit. I started wisecracking about how crazy people get before finals, about how ridiculous some of the fine print we have to adhere to at work is, and more. It seems to relax people (the clients, anyway), and it's harder to look at someone who treats it like no big deal as making a memorable faux pas or show of incompetence.


Well-known member
It's probably about something you did in the past. For example you made fool of yourself this one time and people didn't forget it. That's the cause of my problem at least.


Well-known member
Check your body language. Usually if you feel insecure, you give off that vibe through body language.
One thing that help me was faking being confident. Fake the confident posture. Try imitating it