Who's your idol?

That's not weird ! He's my idol too ! Because of his personality and offcourse, his music.:)

the whole alleged child pedophilia thing is why it's weird and why I was hesitant to name him.

That aside, he's one of my fav people but that will always be a black cloud over his legacy whether he did it or not.


I do not believe the whole pedo thing with michael jackson, i think money hungry familys exploited him. They will never admit they was lying of course but i think everyone knows the truth deep in their heart.
Michael spoke openly about why he enjoyed the company of children, it was like he was stuck in a childhood he never had.
Money makes the world go round, i believe greed from soulless people is why michael jacksons name is smudged.


Well-known member
I do not believe the whole pedo thing with michael jackson, i think money hungry familys exploited him. They will never admit they was lying of course but i think everyone knows the truth deep in their heart.
Michael spoke openly about why he enjoyed the company of children, it was like he was stuck in a childhood he never had.
Money makes the world go round, i believe greed from soulless people is why michael jacksons name is smudged.

I couldn't have said it better. MJ was like the nicest human being ever.


Well-known member
Courtney Love kicks @ss. You're right, she is very smart. Her I.Q is pretty up there, I've heard. I also like that she once punched a fan because he gropped her while she was crowd surfing. Love also seems to be pretty outspoken.

Yeah absolutely!
People assume shes thick because she did drugs. But when you see interviews half the time i dont get her because shes smart.


Well-known member
the whole alleged child pedophilia thing is why it's weird and why I was hesitant to name him.

That aside, he's one of my fav people but that will always be a black cloud over his legacy whether he did it or not.
IMO, I don't think he was actually a pedophile. I see an imature side to Micheal...maybe it has to do with not being able to be a kid. His father pressed him hard....for showbiz. I think he genunely likes children and their presence...like say a daycare worker or maybe a elementary school teacher would. But it really seems as though he didn't get to live out his childhood.

I can understand that.... not being able to be a teenager...becuase I didn't get much of a chance with severe phobias. I find myself wanting to be in that stage but Im almost 30 years old!
Just thought I would share my opinion that's all.
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Well-known member
I, agree with what people said about Micheal, he was like one of us probably why he got scrutinized like he did. People just didn’t understand it.

and my idol is Troy he is the best.


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It's very tempting to make some stupid pun about idle or idyll, but I think I'll refrain from doing so.


Well-known member
Stephen Colbert! (pictured in my icon). He is an actor/comedian/writer/etc. He is so funny and his show The Colbert Report just always makes me happy. He is also very nice and down to earth, and a nice family man and everything. And he does a lot of funny and outrageous things on his show, which I absolutely love, because it's like he doesn't care what anyone thinks and if he's weird or something.