Whos ever had a gf/bf?

Whos ever had a gf/bf?

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I use to date quite a lot at seocandry school.But nothing since sa reared its ugly head when i hit about 18.


Well-known member
I don't like it when people are like "oh, you're just being a teenager" or something. Like when I get really nervous and it's obvious, [adults] will be like "ah it's just some teenage phase"

It's annoying, because I hate generalizations and .. just grr

This wasn't meant to be directed at you, nerdgirl x) I'm just saying

and I have not been in a relationship. I'm only 13 though. but right now, I don't see the point. It's just nervewracking and I don't think it's worth it.


Well-known member
nope... in my 19 years of existing ive never had the pleasure of a gf...havent even hugged more than a handful...thats ok though i suppose...touching people i dont know to well makes me nervous.


Well-known member
I've been in two relationships - i only loved the first man i was with and i will love him for the rest of my life.


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i remember when i was really social phobic i said no to this girl i really liked because i knew she didnt know i was social phobic, and that she was into my social status mixed with my personality......i really knew it wouldnt of went well.......my social status was gone about 2 months later, so i still feel it worked out great

but yeah, ive had alotta girlfriends, i think most people on this site have had BF and GF.....i truely think with a strong case of SP its best to avoid a relationship, unless maybe the other person has SP.....because theres alotta trust issues and insecurities around SP

but love is an emotion thats very important in your life......i dunno

how bout i just say CHRIST IS THE WAY

yea i would say for the relationship to last any great length of time my partner would have to have SA as well because otherwise i guess they just wouldn't understand....but ive never even met a girl with SA before, and never had a GF but it doesn't fase me too much. good day


Well-known member
I've had one serious relationship.....it lasted 5 years and i think she dumped me in the end because of my SP....although she had SP too.....she understood totally, but basically she got a little better, and i think she saw me as a reminder of what she used to be because i haven't got any better...!!!

Maybe i'm being cynical maybe i'm not.....bloody confusing this life thing!!!



Active member
i had gf before but now i dont know if i could even talk to a girl .the idea scares me a lot...


Well-known member
i had one for three years, a few casual things, and ive just met som1 lovely :D What was that quote about ppl's age for???who cares how old ppl are!


Well-known member
I'm only 14 right now, I haven't dated anyone yet. Although there is a really creepy boy that keeps giving me things. *shivers*