Whos ever had a gf/bf?

Whos ever had a gf/bf?

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One long term (currently 3 years) one short term (I'm talking hours, not months :wink: ), one guy who broke my naive heart, one who prefered stalking my best friend and one 'lets just be friends' situation.

So pretty much the full spectrum really. Guess I've been lucky, in a way. I think my SP was far less extreme back in those days.

Still, the single life rules and I really miss it. :eek:


Well-known member
the best relasionship i was ever in ,so far, is over now. i have no regrets.
every other one i was with was crap. all three of them wooh. :lol:


Well-known member
I had a boyfriend twice, but i felt so uncomfortable with the situation, that i kinda ended both relationships very quickly, now i always reject every single boy that aproaches me on that way even if i like that guy.. im just afraid that it goes wrong again, just like before..but im just seventeen so i have enough time, im not worried yet..i love being single!! 8)


Well-known member
i've had a few relationships, they were never that serious and didn't last more than a couple months. i didn't think i had SP at the time, because i would hide from it by smoking weed.. 8O now that i know what's up, i know that i couldn't really have a relationship with someone for the time being :X


Well-known member
from the results, this looks like the average sort of fing. but it kinda messes with it cuz we r all different ages.



Well-known member
UUhhh...okay you guys are like 16/17, you guys are probably going through some teenage phase.

way to be considerate. and i'm 19 and do you call three years a phase? think before you judge. oh wait, how bout not judging at all?


Well-known member
Chilling__Echo said:
UUhhh...okay you guys are like 16/17, you guys are probably going through some teenage phase.

way to be considerate. and i'm 19 and do you call three years a phase? think before you judge. oh wait, how bout not judging at all?

LOL, go girl



Well-known member
I've had relationships in the past, but in retrospect they weren't "true" loving relationships. One can go through life and have many empty relationships or be lucky and find meaningful ones. It's not the quantity of relationships that count, it's the quality. Just my two cents.


Active member
So was the age comment implying that Social axiety is some teenage thing? That seems strange and closed minded seeing how many people who are loooong out of their teens can still have it....mine didn't even start until I was well out of my teens.21/22 in fact , I'm 32 now and I still have it ,maybe even worse than before... and just to add my past to the subject I had three girlfriends before this monster got a hold of me and none since it did. Though I have made a few attempts at it , it never seems to work out.... not gonna give up though.:)


Well-known member
I never had a boyfriend..I ve had a lot of admirers crushes on me (mostly in highschool)...but they never went anywhere well ...we were too different in the first place to have anything...always more outgoing..and more socially advanced than I was...and they were more into a ruff lifestyle ( I was where the tough kids were)..I just wasn't that way...my college years (which is still ongoing) has gotten worse...I went to a community college..where everyone was really quiet...and kept to themselves....and not really willing to make a new friend unless you were in a club organiZation. I was always the meek girl in the back...that looked okay but acted kinda strange....like whats up with her.? did you break up from your boyfriend? ..I used to get depressed about that but that all changed slowly I thought for a little while ...and realized there are people on this earth who don't even get to live past their teen years and never get to experience having a bf/gf get married have a family etc ....to obsess over that would be a waste of my time..not to say that I don't think its strange for me im 25( woo hoo!!! birthday was yesterday meant to post it here but spent most of my time on another board) to not have had one yet...but I think that in time things will change...especially if I involve myself in more social stuff...(especially the kind that helps others or severve some purpose) ...another thing....I think that i have to develop some kind of life around me to make me feel more comfortable in a relationship...so I have something to talk about...because my fear is that we wouldn't have anything to say between each other ...especially .if he is way more outgoing more experienced than I am.oooh yeah has anyone read phillip zombarda stuff ( i think that how you spell it) ...I did accidentally when i was reaserching for psych class yrs ago...and in it he said most sad/nvpd/shy people tend to develop relationships ( bf/gf) much later life than most of their peers. :?:


Well-known member
What I meant by that commment is that many teenagers go through phases where they are too shy or too this or whatever.
I am 23 and never had a relationship. I have enough experience in life to know. They are 16 they are children, and a lot of times they may not have SA , a lot are exaggerating or maybe they are confused. They are at the age of wondering and getting to know who they are. I am not saying these people, in the forum, in particular are going to a phase but a lot are.


Well-known member
No boyfriend ever and to be honest i dont care i was brought up in a
single parent family and have no desire to be tied down at a young age
my 13 year old cousin has more boyfriends!

As for SA being a teenage thing i've just turned 19 and been like this
since i was 12/13 plus i was always shy as a child.
Happy days :lol:


Well-known member
Not until I was about 26. I had a few friends who were female, but they wanted to be "just friends". Soooooo they hooked up with losers who used them big time. My girlfriend became my wife because I needed someone and I figured that she was my last chance. Now, I regret it.