I hear people talk about the stigma in using meds, but I never hear anyone perpetuating the stigma. People who criticize meds usually don't shame those who take them. If they do, I've not heard it. What one usually hears is that "side effects" are difficult. But "side effects" usually are psychiatric effects, e.g. panic, derealization, mania, hallucinations. So the real reason for discouraging the use of psych meds is that they cause mental illness. I don't see how words like "shame" and "stigma" enter into this discussion at all.
Let me try to clarify. When someone tells me they are on meds, I do not think "How shameful! I will try to shame them." Of course not! What happens is that I worry about them. I think "Oh my god, I hope the med doesn't make them crazy." Unfortunately, it often will. A person will initially have a positive reaction, then, when the stuff actually kicks in, they change their mind completely and talk about how "evil" the drug is. These drugs may sometimes help people, but changing chemical balances in the brain is also a good recipe for *causing* mental illness. It is like playing with fire. The concept of shame has no role here.