Who is afraid of shopping for clothes?

Mythos & Logos

Active member
It's more of a hassle than anything else. Shopping used to be my hobby when I was an adolescent, but now it's a bother more than anything. When I do go shopping I normally know exactly what I want, I go into the store pick whatever I need and then head to the check out.

I apply the same mentality to almost all shopping, I tend to know what I want & go get it & then leave. With groceries I always make lists & with other things I do my research & even call to make sure what I want is in stock. I can get anxious in malls & I'm just not found of browsing at all. With clothes shopping it's not always easy to know what you want though, there's more browsing required


Well-known member
I'm about as afraid of shopping for clothes as I am of nearly everything else lol. But it's not as bad as other places. I feel much more scared in places like electronic stores, etc.


Well-known member
I don't have this particular issue, but I can tell you that shopping for clothes is a drag. I don't like the way that salespeople try to "help" you (like flies try to "help" you), but when you actually have a question, they're nowhere around. I'm pretty self-conscious, so I always feel overdressed or underdressed and I can feel their eyes upon me. I fight back these feelings, though, by thinking "I'm the customer, here!" :D That's the one thing that's cool about money as an exchange medium. No matter how I feel, it's the money that does the talking, and they want it, so they have to respect me. I have the power in the end, you know?

It also depends on the store. I feel much more at home in Hot Topic than I do a suit store.


Well-known member
If anyone would like me to be their Personal Shopper, just PM me with your sizes and what you're looking for - I'll see what I can do.


Active member
too many options, also afraid that the salespeople are judging me.

wow! I never really thought of that one. I don't really have a problem with shopping or browsing the store. It's just standing in a line to pay for it, when there's people surrounded by me. It just seems like their judging me and staring at me.
Yes actually, perhaps it seems stupid to you but it makes me uncomfortable.

Stupid, never. Never think that. Merely looking for a response. Wanting to know. May seem odd to you how it was done. Others, too. Still rather new to understanding, so much to know, finding similiarities are often difficult. What better way than confrontation? Confrontation here is possible.

I apologize. Not my place to question you.

Do not know how to react. A lost ability? Shut in.


Well-known member
I've hated shopping since I was a wee lad. I still remember pulling the brim of my cap down at baseball card shows so the vendors couldn't see what I was looking at. I've always been of the belief that if I need help, I'll ask for it. So it's not just shopping for clothes, but shopping for anything. Luckily some smart people figured out a way to purchase things without going out to any stores. Forget the gods, all hail the internet.

Unfortunately I always end up in a store where the locks are in disrepair and I walk in on people. I hate to shop though I wish I had more nice clothes.

Because shopping wasn't stressful enough. Now this can hide in the back of my mind the next time I need a new pair of jeans.

If anyone would like me to be their Personal Shopper, just PM me with your sizes and what you're looking for - I'll see what I can do.

No offense, but I'm waiting for the robot revolution to send humanity back to the dark ages. It could be fun wearing clothes I have to weave myself and the furs of animals I'll likewise have to kill myself. The whole fighting for survival against sentient machines might be a bit tricky, though.

But if I ever need help ordering a black t-shirt with "Marshall amplification" on the front, we'll see if the title of "Man's best friend" applies to all canines or only domestic dogs. ;)



Well-known member
I hate going clothes shopping because my mom won't stop looking at every single shirt she can find. I just moan the whole time and she says why can't you just have fun? I said "How in the world is looking at clothes you're not even gonna buy fun?"