Where can I run where nobody can see me


Well-known member
my mom left my ****ing treadmill at the house we moved out of and it's at the dump. I feel doomed, my body is already tunneling into feeling of self harm, I was very reliant on running. I have tried running outside at night but in the new town i'm in there are mobs of drunk teenagers everrrywherreee, I came back immediately feeling worse than before. I don't have the money for a gym membership but running feels essential when i'm in these moods so where the hell can i go when I need to run :mad:

any ideas?
I used to "run in place" when I began working out in my room. It works pretty well, but it's not as fun as going out and running. You sure you can't go out and run during the day? Hmm, no one cares about you or stares at you... ;)


Active member
I know how you feel man. There are mobs of drunk teens and twenty-somethings roaming the streets downtown here every night too.

If you're an early riser, mornings are usually good, fewer people and only the occasional drunk stumbling around. The other option I would recommend is getting yourself a good quality, weighted jump rope(the kind boxers use). Jumping rope is amazing cardiovascular exercise, easily just as good as running, maybe better. And a good jump rope is MUCH cheaper than a new treadmill. ;)
Lol... are you serious? :)

Who cares? I forget that you're female though (that might be intimidating huh? :( ). I don't know, just try and find a better neighborhood to run around :)

Edit: Jumproping is also a good idea btw... really good excercise!


Active member
Oops, you're a girl? Sorry for calling you "man" :). The jump rope is still a great idea though. My wife used one when she didn't have a treadmill around. As I mentioned before, just make sure you get a good weighted one, and not a kids' style jump rope.


Well-known member
The YMCA is usually pretty reasonable cost-wise. Sometimes they have programs to wave fees based on your economic status. You could check into that. They have treadmills, indoor tracks, etc. On the treadmills, everyone looks forward at TV screens, etc. - no one looking at you.

Also - I know that you probably realize that if you went running outside - even in the middle of the day - no one is paying attention to you. They may NOTICE you, true. But no one really cares. They have more important things to worry about, like getting to their dentist appointment or washing their car or whether their husband will come home early and find them in bed with their brother's chiropractor.

Just get out there and run, and show them how much better you are than them.


Well-known member
If your mom's the one that left it there she should buy you a new one. How do you just forget something like that?


lol this probably won't help but whenever I'm in the car with my sister she points at random people running and goes "What is WRONG with that guy?"


Well-known member
i feel your pain! i would love to take up walking/jogging/running... but i can't afford a gym membership or a treadmill (i would LOVE to have a treadmill!) and i can't run around my neighborhood either because it's pretty much just.. not safe! haha.. i live on kind of a main road, and i honestly can't even go check my mail without someone driving by and honking or yelling or whistling at me.. it makes me very uncomfortable and i just get really pissed off because that seems pretty disrespectful and gross to me =/ i know that a lot people are just driving by minding their own business, but it's those jerks that keep me from doing any kind of running in the neighborhood or down the sidewalk..

anyway! i went to the sporting goods store the other day and bought a nice jump rope for 10 bucks! i've since youtubed a bunch of jump rope cardio videos and i'm trying to get into it... but that sh!t is hard! lol, maybe i'm an idiot but i can only do it for like 15 jumps before i get jumbled up, haha! the people on the videos do it for like 10 minutes straight! i guess i have to work up my stamina and i'll just get better at it, but it's extremely tiring, so i know it's doing something! sh!t! lmao :)


Well-known member
my mom left my ****ing treadmill at the house we moved out of and it's at the dump. I feel doomed, my body is already tunneling into feeling of self harm, I was very reliant on running. I have tried running outside at night but in the new town i'm in there are mobs of drunk teenagers everrrywherreee, I came back immediately feeling worse than before. I don't have the money for a gym membership but running feels essential when i'm in these moods so where the hell can i go when I need to run :mad:

any ideas?

how about running in the early morning right before sunrise?


Well-known member
jump rope is a great idea.. Wow katie that sounds like an awful situation, living right by such a busy road. I'll probably join you with the jumprope idea :p

Early morning.... hhm, lately i've been suffering from insomnia and usually crash around 3. I'm not sure how I could work that in... It's a good idea. Perhaps I'll try to defeat my insomnia


Well-known member
jump rope is a great idea.. Wow katie that sounds like an awful situation, living right by such a busy road. I'll probably join you with the jumprope idea :p

Early morning.... hhm, lately i've been suffering from insomnia and usually crash around 3. I'm not sure how I could work that in... It's a good idea. Perhaps I'll try to defeat my insomnia

maybe do jump rope in the afternoon and hopefully it will use up some energy so that you could go to sleep earlier and then you'd be able to wake up early enough to run :)

i think i might take up jumprope!


Well-known member
Escape Artist as a fellow runner, I know how important being able to run can be to well being. Running gives me the most amazing sense of freedom. I can forget all my toubles on a run.

I usually run very early in the morning, too early for drunks to be out an about. I love the early morning sun, and feel refereshed for the rest of the day. I usually run on a creek trail, or on a grassy soccer field, or a cylce path.

What about, an athletics track, grassy oval, golf courses, parks, bush trails, cycle paths?


Well-known member
i sometimes run on the local high school/college track... which is just a stone's throw away for me, don't know how far it'd be for you though. mostly just serious runners out there, if anybody, and no heckling drunkards . i used to love running at night on the streets, especially at around 1 or 2 am when my mind won't go to sleep... but I got stopped over and questioned by the police twice so now i don't do it no more ::(: