When you feel anxious...?


when you feel anxious, do you actually TELL/say/explain to people that you are anxious, and having SA, or being afraid, or whatever?
Today i was with friends and I was shaking, I dont understand why ,
but i told them that i was hyperventilating.
And i asked them if they didnt care if i would went to home a bit earlier.
I felt soooooo guilty but i really needed to be in my comfort/safe place again

Is it actually good to explain it?
And do you guys do that too?or do you hide it?


Well-known member
I have a hard time keeping things to myself... I'm too honest, mainly out out of fear. There have been situations where I knew I was acting/seeming weird to people because of my anxiety or panic/anxiety attacks, so I've just had to tell them. It's turned out negatively in a lot of cases, but I'm still glad I've done it because the truth is better than allowing people to keep thinking things about me that aren't true, even if they don't understand it. I think that the truth is always best & it's a lot easier than trying to make up something, or just ignore the fact that I'm coming across negatively to people.


before I do anything with friends I tell them how I feel and how I would just say bye and jet if I started getting too anxious. So I kinda prewarn them and if I disappear they know why.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i explain shaking, getting disoriented and having difficulty breathing away as asthma/ blood pressure problem. i use this excuse to leave when im uncomfortable too. in truth, i haven't had asthma since i was a kid, but i do have wacky blood pressure that makes me lightheaded. i never tell anyone about anxiety, no matter what. people are biased, even if they mean well.


Well-known member
well evrey one that knows me knows i have sa , cos i told them , my mates family ect , the way i see it is if i dont want to go to some big party or some big firm do they will know why , its not that i dont want to , its just that i dont like big crowds of people , im ok in crowded places as long as i havent got lots of people around me talking to me ..


Well-known member
I can't even count all the times I've been overwhelmed with anxiety and just booked it without telling anyone. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing that not many people have noticed or cared that I do that...bad I guess but I don't care either.


Well-known member
Yeep, I usually will say that I'm feeling sick or something else and just leave. Feeling terrible afterwards I usually go right to sleep and other times I don't really give a damn what others think. I even get anxious at my own house sometimes and leave without saying anything, especially if a bunch of family I don't really like are around, I just leave. Noboby questions it anymore. I do tell some people, my closest friends know and my mom too but I've tried explaining why I am to another person and she had no idea why I would be anxious so I get self conscious after that.
I always think that it would be the worst thing for people to notice my anxiety, like they would immediately think I am a weak and useless person if they knew about it.. so I definitely don't tell people when I'm feeling anxious, in fact I'm constantly trying my best to hide it ::(:


Well-known member
I rarely explain it to others, i guess bc i am a guy, and its hard for me to explain things like SA with my big male ego, even as much as i know that would make me feel better.

But, i had shaking a lot yesterday when eating dinner at the cafeteria with a few girls i didn't know too well. I just told myself it is not as noticeable and apparent to others as it is to me. And, if they think i am weird for shaking, then i don't care about hanging out with them again anyway. And, i can still eat my food and converse with the shaking, it is just irrational thoughts about the shaking that make it so uncomfortable.

...Thank you CBT for helping me in that situation. I look forward to this small challenge again, because i know i will succeed again! :)


I rarely explain it to others, i guess bc i am a guy, and its hard for me to explain things like SA with my big male ego, even as much as i know that would make me feel better.

But, i had shaking a lot yesterday when eating dinner at the cafeteria with a few girls i didn't know too well. I just told myself it is not as noticeable and apparent to others as it is to me. And, if they think i am weird for shaking, then i don't care about hanging out with them again anyway. And, i can still eat my food and converse with the shaking, it is just irrational thoughts about the shaking that make it so uncomfortable.

...Thank you CBT for helping me in that situation. I look forward to this small challenge again, because i know i will succeed again! :)

I agree with that.I think 1 diference beetween social anxiety and avoidant personality disorder is that when people with social anxiety know that this is not them when they feel anxiety while the people with avoidant personality disorder feel like its them and a part of there personality.I noticed even if im not nervouse in social situations I feel like ****e.