I think I agree with you. There are some people with nothing in life but are able to find peace and contentment, while there are some who have it all and are miserable. So I don't think it's a necessity for happiness to have lots of people in our lives.
And I LOVE the life you've painted. You live alone, you like to play video games, watch NBA, eat burger king. Society makes us feel like there's something wrong with that, but I think it's awesome. Video games are great! The NBA is great, and Burger King is great!!! Enjoy it. Right on!
We're all made differently, and some of us work better when we social-ize* a lot and some of us work better when we social-ize* very little. There's nothing wrong with either. One danger I would look out for however, is the lack of challenge. I think we all seem to be designed to desire growth and improvement, and that comes through challenging ourselves. So as long as you have goals I say enjoy your solitude and don't let societies expectations ruin it for you :thumbup:
[*excuse the spelling. SPW was censoring the word for some reason!?]