When someone automatically doesn't like you...


Well-known member
Do you think that people automatically don't like you or it's just the way they are with people?

Do you think it could be that, when someone just doesn't like someone as soon and they meet them, they are intimidated by the person they don't like?

I just don't know what it is. Could it just be that they sound stupid? I just really don't know what it is.

For example. There is someone I'm trying not to let get to me. He seems a bit immature with this situation. I am trying to learn ASL and I had a couple of Hangouts with him. We were talking but he seem to be (I don't know the name for it) close minded or naive and foolish about certain things.

One time he even said something like: "You probably want me to shut up" *roll eyes* or "You probably have no clue what I'm talking about" *rolls eyes*

He has that kind of attitude. That is the best I can describe it. Well there was a hangout today that I didn't want to go to since he was there and other girls that I know I wouldn't even get along with. Well, he started saying stuff like "she's a mom" or "she's probably here just to watch". It was difficult to hear everyone so I didn't even say anything plus I was waiting for the MATURE people to join if they were but I don't understand why he didn't talk to me directly and why he would randomly mention this stuff.

I think it is something about me that he doesn't like. Maybe he wants more from me or he thinks if he was in my situation he would hate it. I really don't know but I hate him. I want to make him look really stupid and shut up. I want to do it in front of everyone.

He is always on here and I know I'd have a great opportunity to learn more about him and find out why he is acting this way. I don't really care that much about him I just really want to make him look stupid. I hate people that are like that. And I am most likely wasting my time. No one probably have no clue what my point is in this post...


Well-known member
I have similar experiences too. I've met some people who just automatically don't like me, period. I'm not sure of the reasons why. For example, I sat near a group of girls in the cafeteria and for some reason they just move away. I heard one of them said she just didn't want to sit near me. I don't know these girls. In another instance, I was at a conference hangout when some girl whom I don't know decided to gossip about me, like point out the crumb on my face and just trying to embarass me.

This guy you mentioned was being very immature. I wouldn't learn ASL with him. You could confront him about it or just walk away and never see him again. Personally, I would walk away and avoid dealing with him because of my social anxiety. I know people will say things like "confront that guy and stand up for yourself..." but I don't have enough confidence and courage to do that yet.


Well-known member
It's a hard thing to deal with but somehow we have to learn not to mind when people don't like us. Nobody is well liked by everybody, it will always be that somebody doesn't like you, even if you're your most ideal self. In fact, if you were your most ideal self, I'm sure people would dislike you because they're jealous. Hah.
It's kind of freeing to realize that a small amount of people will always hate you because they have their own issues. Some other people (friends) can be really inspiring when they see the good in you, it's a constant reminder that people DO see the special qualities in you.
Maybe you can see it as a representation of your inner world. The negative voices will always be there, but they teach you to believe in yourself despite them and work around them. You are great and people will always be secretly or openly noticing your positive traits, whether you know it or not and no matter how hid away you make yourself. So it works both ways. I hope that asshole gets over whatever issues he has.

Oh, by the way, I think i'm wrong for assuming he hates you. Hate is not something that happens often. Often, it IS intimidation, stifled admiration/jealousy, or their own self hatred. So I'm not saying he hates you, that's a rare, rare thing to truly do.
Never let these kind of people get that far as to talking like that to you or about you to others, say something back to him, don't stay quiet or laugh. Sometimes it's the way they are with people, just don't let them, otherwise they will feel they can do and say what they want to you. You don't have to make him look stupid, that is really wasting time.


Well-known member
Maybe you could just be assertive as you can and then see how it goes.
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He sounds really full of himself... I would probably have gotten really angry at him by now.


Well-known member
A lot of women seem to dislike me straight away. I'm not sure if I'm just imagining it or not but that's what it seems like. I'm a woman btw


Well-known member
A lot of women seem to dislike me straight away. I'm not sure if I'm just imagining it or not but that's what it seems like. I'm a woman btw

I too feel this way. I can sense their dislike of me, and I don't understand why. Its not with all women, but with many.

I try to be polite, usually be in the background, but I don't miss the snide remarks and mean glances. I don't understand if people just grow to become meaner bullies... or what. But from my experience, women seem to dislike me, without even knowing me. The higher I went in the corporate ladder.. or even in education, it got worse.

This really bothers me, because I hate the feeling of being rejected without reason. I notice especially when people form groups at work or in social settings... they are more prone to easily judge you without reason.
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Well-known member
A lot of women seem to dislike me straight away. I'm not sure if I'm just imagining it or not but that's what it seems like. I'm a woman btw

I too feel this way. I can sense their dislike of me, and I don't understand why. Its not with all women, but with many.

I try to be polite, usually be in the background, but I don't miss the snide remarks and mean glances. I don't understand if people just grow to become meaner bullies... or what. But from my experience, befriending women is very difficult.

this may shed some light on your situation:



Well-known member
I too feel this way. I can sense their dislike of me, and I don't understand why. Its not with all women, but with many.

I try to be polite, usually be in the background, but I don't miss the snide remarks and mean glances. I don't understand if people just grow to become meaner bullies... or what. But from my experience, women seem to dislike me, without even knowing me. The higher I went in the corporate ladder.. or even in education, it got worse.

This really bothers me, because I hate the feeling of being rejected without reason. I notice especially when people form groups at work or in social settings... they are more prone to easily judge you without reason.

Yes, women are extremely judgmental in my experience.