I am going to estimate that i started to get anxious since the age of 9. Of course i didn't know, i thought i was just akward and shy or something. I thought this was a normal stage and that i was just an unlucky little girl. As i grew, this things started to get harder and it was more dificult for me to deal with other ppl and to let go without having this thoughts of my mind that i was being critized. Then one day, researching out of nowhere i just came to the conclusion that i wasn't akward but that i had SAD. I was 16 when i found out, and i am 16 now. I used to go constantly go to the doc and complain about urinating all the time and i thought it was my bladder but my bladder is perfect and i now know that it was my anxiety that caused me to have an over active bladder. I don't know if this is weird but after finding out that i had SAD now i feel lost and that i will never get any help. I feel unlucky for having this and i wish that i was normal free from anxiety and depression. It really sucks, i feel like my life is such shyt and that i don't deserve to live. DOes anyone else feel this way after finding out that you had SAD?