what'swrong with online dating? I'll tell u. plz i want some support


Well-known member
Thank you for your support. I'll go into more detail. My parents are muslim also but from different sect (shiaa). Myself, I'm an atheist or if I do believe in a God I believe he is unjust unlike what the holy books say. I don't care about religion, I care about doing good and being kind to others. She's living in the US I am living in Lebanon. Luthien i am trying to be as much supportive but I just can't do anything being stuck in a different country. My family is well off here and my dad can get a visa to anywhere around the world, so I think I can get granted a visitor's visa to the us if I try. I'm just so confused and nothing is concrete. All I can do is let her talk to me and keep advising her to stay away from drugs and giving her as much confidence as i can. She says she wants to talk to me again today so I'll be there for her. She says it's better to leave now than surely getting rejected by her father later and ruining my life even more. She says she wants to stay feeling not awake on drugs and forget everything and I keep advising her tht shes very smart pretty able to accomplish anything and she shouldnt rely on drugs but her strong character and self esteem to get herself out of situations.

We talked a lot like this but I can't seem to get her to let go off drugs she said shell try but i feel she wont be able to. Like Luthien said I think she is oppressed and this is the only way for her to feel in control doing what her dad hates and it gives her a bit of revenge I think. Any more advice is really appreciated as i'm terribly lost now. But, I really want this girl.

If she's in the US, there are places she could go for help. Social services, for example. But I'm wondering, how old is this girl? You said you were 25 so I assumed she was of a similar age, but why does she still live at home? If she feels that her life is in danger if she tried to move out of the house, then she should notify the authorities so they can help her to be safe. I don't know much about the religion but I have heard about the "honor killings" of women who disobey their fathers and brothers.

I know a lot of people who have gone the route she is going, using drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of their lives. The difference between them and this girl is that they didn't realize that was what they were doing, it wasn't a conscious choice. I think she's too smart for it to work on her. She's too aware of what she's running from and how she's running, I don't think she believes it will work. Maybe she just can't see another way? I would encourage her to find help. Look for forums on the web of people in similar situations. Call social services and see if there's any help for her. Ask her questions, does she want to leave his house? What's stopping her? Where does she want to be? What would she do if she could do anything? What are her hopes and dreams? If you want to help her, then help her to see what is important in her life so she can work toward something instead of feeling powerless and incapable.


Well-known member
Hey Rexus, did you go to the march for secularism in Beirut? I just heard about it on the BBC, sounded right up your alley :)


Well-known member
Luthien you really give great advice. Yes, I did haha. You really follow your news. I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I really hate religion, and now I hate it even more. Spiritualism is another thing, being aware of the concepts of doing good and being nice etc.

She's 22.

I really lvoe this.

I know a lot of people who have gone the route she is going, using drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of their lives. The difference between them and this girl is that they didn't realize that was what they were doing, it wasn't a conscious choice. I think she's too smart for it to work on her. She's too aware of what she's running from and how she's running, I don't think she believes it will work. Maybe she just can't see another way? I would encourage her to find help. Look for forums on the web of people in similar situations. Call social services and see if there's any help for her. Ask her questions, does she want to leave his house? What's stopping her? Where does she want to be? What would she do if she could do anything? What are her hopes and dreams? If you want to help her, then help her to see what is important in her life so she can work toward something instead of feeling powerless and incapable.

I will make sure to ask her these questions when I next contact her. thank you so much Luthien. *kiss


I think Rexus deserves some rest. You've done a lot for someone you've never met. I hope everything works out for the best; but I think the big issue is not whether someone is loving, selfish, or not doing enough, I think its about people who burn their bridges when they lose it. Those are some of the most difficult people to work with. People shouldn't bring others down just because they are having it bad. The best thing to do is to be open for input, not ignore the people you care about. People respect those who are mature enough to can speak of their own problems without bringing others down.


Well-known member
I've never tried it and anyway im 17 i think you have to be 18.
I'd rather meet someone in person but im too shy :(


Active member
dude if i were you i would at least wait to talk to her sober to find out where you stand and start making any judgements.


Well-known member
Thank you all I think I should have updated this topic. We're back together and what can I say? I'm really happy she just taught me to take things more easy and not be clingy that way she actually wants me more... :)


Well-known member
Thank you all I think I should have updated this topic. We're back together and what can I say? I'm really happy she just taught me to take things more easy and not be clingy that way she actually wants me more... :)

That's awesome. I'm happy for the both of you.


Well-known member
Thank you all I think I should have updated this topic. We're back together and what can I say? I'm really happy she just taught me to take things more easy and not be clingy that way she actually wants me more... :)

HOORAY!!! Congrats Rexus!!


Well-known member
Thank you guys so much. Thank you Luthien you gave me such nice advice too. Lots of love everyone :)