What's your nervous tic?


Well-known member
I was wondering what is some of the nervous tic people have
my main one is to touch my forehead when a stranger or someone i'm not used to start talking to me. at work i have stretching and drinking from a bottle lol sometimes it's empty but i just pretend that i'm doing something


Well-known member
When I'm nervous, I either play with the hem of my clothes or a string on my hoodie (if I'm wearing one), rub my arms, play with my hair, bite my lip, or tap my hand on my leg or something. Sometimes I do all of the above. When I'm talking to a person and I'm nervous, then I constantly play with my hair or itch my forehead.


Well-known member
I actually have quite a lot since I'm ALWAYS nervous. If I'm really anxious I'll tap my foot alot or sometimes I catch myself literally holding my breath. I also start to yawn or I start to touch my face in someway (pull at my cheeks, touch my nose, rub my forehead), I also tend to clench my teeth alot....in short I'm a nervous wreck....lol....
Lighter. Zippo lighter. Flip the lid.
Or anything from breaking a tick-tack container to rolling paper from corner to corner. Fingers busy makes me not so nervous feeling.

Play with Hair.
Touch my face constantly.
Bite lips.
Look around in a while bunch of directions.
Chew on hair.
Bite nails/skin beside nails
Chew on Sleeves.
Clenching jaw.
Making my eyes wide.
Tap Tap Tap.

I have sooo many, I will never NOT be doing something like this.


Well-known member
this will probably sound gross but i looked online and found out that i am not the only one that does it. in high school i used to bite my nails. i managed to get myself to stop. now i bite skin from the inside of my mouth. you have no idea how hard it is for me to admit that, lol. i always feel like people will freak out if i tell them i do that.


Well-known member
When I get nervous I start messing with my hair, chewing my tongue, and I fiddle with whatever jewelry I'm wearing, usually I grab the charm of the necklace I'm wearing and I start moving it from side to side on the chain.


Well-known member
I wrote a long response and deleted it.

My tics seem to range from minor things like fidgeting, shaking, stuttering, slurring...

to huge attention-drawing things I am aware I do but spend a ton of energy suppressing until I am alone and can release them without humiliation.

My nervous tics are accompanied by OCD behaviors that I constantly do that are so engrained that they are subconscious, as is breathing. To outsiders they would seem like a giant ritual but I don't even think about them.