
Well-known member
I remember me always being this way...Even as a kid. It was purely shyness as a kid but as i got older it became apparent that i have a bigger problem.


Well-known member
I really don't know. I usually avoided social situations, but I wasn't a recluse as I'm now. It might not be something I was born with after all. As I kept avoiding people and social situations more and more, it all got worse.

I remember enjoying things in the past and doing things with my friends, but now I'm thinking about suicide. The big question is: can I reverse the damage I have done to myself. The damage of isolating myself entirely and locking myself up in my room. How can you overcome this after living like this for nearly ten years? :(


Well-known member
I was always a quiet person who would rather not socialize. In school when we would do group work sometimes I would just work alone.


Well-known member
recluse said:
I remember me always being this way...Even as a kid. It was purely shyness as a kid but as i got older it became apparent that i have a bigger problem.

idem, i remember myself playing alone ... i can remember several points of my life we're i was the only keep myself from doing things... but i can't blame myself, i was just a kid...


PTSD-- I was taken advantage of when I was a teen and I just kind of lost touch with everyone after that. Since then, I never had a close friend (besides my boyfriends in the past).
I'm not sure what may cause SA, but i think it is a combination of social and biological events. I know that is very vague but I am a firm believer that things that happen when you are young have a much bigger impact on your life than you might ever expect. I know my parents divorce really messed me up. I was 11 and my whole life was changed. I think a lot has to do with how you think of yourself. Something may have happened to you when you were younger that might have broken your confidence. Other than that I'm not sure there is really a straight answer. I think western society has done a lot to damage us.


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family environment growing up in the nest having strict folks that are fairly uptight and constantly authoritarian, they were always fighting with other people in the family this made it hostile and tense, plus being forced to go to a rundown poor public high school in a suburb that is known for its reputation didn't mix well with my ambitions and plans at all, but i had no choice, i tried to make the best of it but boys will be boys and being a little shy made me a target to the cliques and their bordom, i'm just glad i had sports and the library as a refuge of interest ..
i definately had friends all over the shop but they would come and go and move on over time ...so that's what i'm used to where as my sister was always popular because she included herself in the popular group and adapted herself to their ways so she grew up feeling accepted ...

it wasn't all bad, i was invited to 5-6 parties in the last year and ended up travelling overseas with our language class for two weeks, i'm sure i was one of the lucky few that were able to experiance something unique like that

thus the combination of those 2 influences of lifestyles moulded my impulses and mindset as to how i believe the outside world views me when really once you hit twenty nobody really cares as long as you are seen to be going out and enjoying yourself, because once you are an adult everyone starts to freak out regarding career and supporting themselves, the pressure to feel secure and to be happy becomes so tricky that everyone is in the same boat unless you get lucky. ..

to be honest i kind of wish i could go back to high school and start over because i'd have a much happier time of it knowing what i know now

so i just wish i was a little more streetwise and educated about the world and how it worked back when i was twelve or thirteen, which is why its so important to have great people around you as an influence and rle model growing up, there is only so much you can do for yourself at that age without help from people who have more knowledge ...


1. divorce
2. was an ugly, arrogant little kid
3. picked on a lot in middle school

in general:
awkwardness/isolation begets rejection or derision which begets further awkwardness/isolation. it's like a feedback loop.


Well-known member
I was born this way. Even when I was a little baby, my parents said that I would cry and give people mean looks, whenever they looked at me. No matter if it was a stranger or my own aunt. I didn't like people looking at me, or making me the center of attention.


Well-known member
Well i was always mocked about everything. I couldn't pronounce the letter r and instead it would come out sounding like a v and i would get mocked for that. My way of dealing with it was to avoid talking which made matters worse, and then i would be mocked for being a mute. I remember going in a car with some girls form my school, when i was forced to go to Sunday school by my mother and one of the girls commented on how i never talked, and fair play her mother took pitty on me and told her to be quiet! I still have problems pronouncing the letter r to this day but i'm not as conscious of it as i used to be. The worst thing was other kids thinking i was unintelligent just because of my problem.

Then i begun to put loads of weight on and i was mocked for being fat...Even by my neighbour who commented to my dad at how fat i was becoming....In my face!...Which hurt. Then i developed anorexia at the age of 15 and i was mocked for being so thin....So really no matter what i do someone always finds a fault in me to pick on;


Active member
Argamemnon said:
I really don't know. I usually avoided social situations, but I wasn't a recluse as I'm now. It might not be something I was born with after all. As I kept avoiding people and social situations more and more, it all got worse.

Instead of rewriting that in other words I'll just cosign if you don't mind.

I've been told I was unusually 'quiet and composed' already as a toddler. I guess the fact that my parent moved to another country for a few year didn't help. Each time we moved I lost the friends I had. I spoke both languages fluently but not without an accent. Otherwise, I cannot blame my family or anyone else. I was mocked in elementary school, but I don't think I got more than my share. Never anything violent, and what slights I felt may have been magnified by the SA so I can't really rely on my own memory on the topic.

On the topic of ADD, I really wonder about that. Never been diagnosed with it, but then again I have never spoken with a psychiatrist/-ologist. But now I have a time reserved! Damn it was tough to call and explain the enough of the troubles to get an appointment. If there is a connection I'd love to know which direction it has. Does ADD feed the SA or is the ADD a result of SA somehow...


Active member
Oh, and I have an uncle who probably has SA. He has always been pretty much a recluse and he does often refuse to answer the telephone when my mother calls him. Now, as a homebound 80-year old invalid, he cannot be far from the phone. The few times I have visited him (not by choice, I'm sorry to say) the talk is all about todays news or his colleagues when he still worked.

Never married either, and nobody remembers seeing him around women, although he was a handsome devil 50 years ago. Most of the family thinks here's homosexual but I wonder...


Well-known member
I'm not sure how it happened with me, I remember in 9th grade I was doing great but I became very shy for some reason and now I have SA and am incapable of making new friends...unless someone else tries really hard to get to know me.