family environment growing up in the nest having strict folks that are fairly uptight and constantly authoritarian, they were always fighting with other people in the family this made it hostile and tense, plus being forced to go to a rundown poor public high school in a suburb that is known for its reputation didn't mix well with my ambitions and plans at all, but i had no choice, i tried to make the best of it but boys will be boys and being a little shy made me a target to the cliques and their bordom, i'm just glad i had sports and the library as a refuge of interest ..
i definately had friends all over the shop but they would come and go and move on over time that's what i'm used to where as my sister was always popular because she included herself in the popular group and adapted herself to their ways so she grew up feeling accepted ...
it wasn't all bad, i was invited to 5-6 parties in the last year and ended up travelling overseas with our language class for two weeks, i'm sure i was one of the lucky few that were able to experiance something unique like that
thus the combination of those 2 influences of lifestyles moulded my impulses and mindset as to how i believe the outside world views me when really once you hit twenty nobody really cares as long as you are seen to be going out and enjoying yourself, because once you are an adult everyone starts to freak out regarding career and supporting themselves, the pressure to feel secure and to be happy becomes so tricky that everyone is in the same boat unless you get lucky. ..
to be honest i kind of wish i could go back to high school and start over because i'd have a much happier time of it knowing what i know now
so i just wish i was a little more streetwise and educated about the world and how it worked back when i was twelve or thirteen, which is why its so important to have great people around you as an influence and rle model growing up, there is only so much you can do for yourself at that age without help from people who have more knowledge ...