what's the point?


do you ever find yourself in the middle of expressing your feelings to someone and you just stop and can't help but think WTF is the point? WHY am i talking about this? nothing ever changes anyway. i can have rainbows and sunshine shooting out of my butt and preach positivity and enlightenment ALL FREAKING DAY LONG but none of it ever changes anything. People still suck.Relationships still suck.the world still sucks.

oooh see the beauty in small stuff...yes Violet, let's do that and try to sustain your existence on that while doing your best to ignore the REALLY HUGE SUCKY THINGS that obliterate the small beautiful things and moments.

I don't know why i'm ranting or what my point is. I've been trying SO hard not to put negativity into the world but all i've been receiving is half a$$ed efforts from people and i'm just tired now. Positivity and Optimism is EXHAUSTING.

ANYONE ELSE???? or am i alone in this too???

I hear you. You know I think it's totally OK to feel the way that you are feeling because lets face it, sometimes things arent all that great.... there is no point in pretending to be happy if you are not. I think an expression of negativity is just what you need, if that is how you feel.

Positivity and optimism *IS* exhausting especially if you are not getting reciprocation or your needs met. Should, coulds, woulds - are all part of the human condition - all of us are wired this way. You cannot be expected to be any other way if you have been burnt over and over again. So... for me... I embrace your thread... I admire the courage for you to express yourself and not give in to the societal expectation that you HAVE to be happy ALL THE TIME personally... I think you are just merely being realistic.

People do suck, relationships suck and the world does suck. But remain strong - dont let the bastards get you down... dont give them that satisfaction... Be nice to people, question everything, be patient and tolerant - but remain strong within yourself, even if its hard - and when its not....indulge in emotional expression and find support if you can.


Well-known member
I hear you. You know I think it's totally OK to feel the way that you are feeling because lets face it, sometimes things arent all that great.... there is no point in pretending to be happy if you are not. I think an expression of negativity is just what you need, if that is how you feel.

Positivity and optimism *IS* exhausting especially if you are not getting reciprocation or your needs met. Should, coulds, woulds - are all part of the human condition - all of us are wired this way. You cannot be expected to be any other way if you have been burnt over and over again. So... for me... I embrace your thread... I admire the courage for you to express yourself and not give in to the societal expectation that you HAVE to be happy ALL THE TIME personally... I think you are just merely being realistic.

People do suck, relationships suck and the world does suck. But remain strong - dont let the bastards get you down... dont give them that satisfaction... Be nice to people, question everything, be patient and tolerant - but remain strong within yourself, even if its hard - and when its not....indulge in emotional expression and find support if you can.
This, right here, is a good post. *electronic thumbs up*


Well-known member
I hear you. You know I think it's totally OK to feel the way that you are feeling because lets face it, sometimes things arent all that great.... there is no point in pretending to be happy if you are not. I think an expression of negativity is just what you need, if that is how you feel.

Positivity and optimism *IS* exhausting especially if you are not getting reciprocation or your needs met. Should, coulds, woulds - are all part of the human condition - all of us are wired this way. You cannot be expected to be any other way if you have been burnt over and over again. So... for me... I embrace your thread... I admire the courage for you to express yourself and not give in to the societal expectation that you HAVE to be happy ALL THE TIME personally... I think you are just merely being realistic.

People do suck, relationships suck and the world does suck. But remain strong - dont let the bastards get you down... dont give them that satisfaction... Be nice to people, question everything, be patient and tolerant - but remain strong within yourself, even if its hard - and when its not....indulge in emotional expression and find support if you can.
Well said Kia. I agree completely.


Well-known member
I feel you miss violet. I'm in tht place right now. Over analyzing my steps just gets me into more of a rutt. Talking to so called professionals after I think of a different way to cope nd getting tht awkward silence means to me they don't know **** nd hide behind their diploma then them their selves need to ask someone to help them,figure my problems out.. its all a viciouse cycle... I understand all your points on the little things but how can you see the beauty in something so small and insignificant when you so rightly say the big issue consumes them.. :-/ all I can do is hide behind a fake ****ing smile nd hope that my problems don't effect or shine through onto others.. dam your smart nd probably misunderstood all the time?


Well-known member
i think positivity and optimism is exhausting and wont last if ur just not positive or optimistic.

but you can be not positive/optimistic and not negative too.

i agree with this. it's not really about 'positivity' or negativity. i think it's just staying true to yourself - doing what you think you should - be it preaching or setting an example, and letting go. it's seems like you're trying too hard. it doesn't matter whether people listen to you or not. i get it that you want to help people or maybe the world in general out of its negativity. but the fact is that all you can really do is show people that they have an option, but you can't make the choice for them. it's their call. it isn't something you can control no matter how badly you want to help. whatever their decision would be, it's none of your business. it's something they have to figure out for themselves. allow yourself to sleep at night knowing that you've done your job and that it's enough for the day.