wha'ts better than alcohol :D


New member
Ok i have a speech for my college speech this week and i really hate those.
usually i take some booze to calm myself and boom my physical anxiety symptoms disappear.
I could probably do it without it but mehh it would be really horrible.

so my question is whats better than alochol?, I use that to cope with situations like that but its not really practical.
i"ve never been to a doctor or anything so never tried any prescriptions for my anxiety. i had a not so cool childhood untill i discovered booze :D , kinda helped me a lot.
I can cope without alcohol but i feel like its not me, i still make friends but don't like being the quiet guy, or the shy guy.


Well-known member
This is kind of like alcohol try cold medicine must be liquid medicine. :) its better then alcohol and less risk (i think)
or try to make your self feel like your the best then you will feel better too :)
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Try a sedative or benzos, I think you can get something called betta blockers aswell which stop all the physical symptoms ask your doc


Well-known member
All great advise above. I hope you find something better then alcohol to alleviate your suffering. I've been tempted to drink as well, all the time actually. The only thing that keeps me from doing just that is my dad was an alcoholic and I never want to become like him. goodluck too you
whats better then alcohol? Coca cola is delicious :p