whats a good way to ask for a number?


Well-known member
is there a time when its generally acceptable to ask for a number wihtout creeping ppl out or scaring them?

idk if any of u read my previous thread of the 'bus' girl but heres the summary

i sit by a very attractive girl on the bus and theres sorta tension between us (or i think) but i dont got balls to talk to her

2days later empty seat by her, i wanted to sit by her but my body decided to sit somewhere else. ruined my day

well today as i got on the bus, i sat by some empty seat, all i knew was beside it sat a girl. Low and behold it was the same girl but she had glasses on. (keep in mind i legally need glasses but i only wear them in class/driving so i cant recognize faces well wihtout them) well after 15minutes of uncomfortable glancing and avoiding each other's eyes, i FINALLY manned up and asked her where she got her glasses from. Turns out we are both from the same country (Hong Kong). However the convo ended shortly and we were back to awkward silence ( i really hoped she would help continue the convo) Before getin off the bus, i looked at her, smiled and say bye, she did the same. i feel this is a big step for me but i realize this is the last week of school b4 finals so if i do see her again these next few days, it will probably be the last time b4 summer.

So how do i casually ask for her number? at least now i can sit by her and maybe talk again but idk how to transition to that frendly mode in order to establish comfort.

i was thinking "oh this is the last week of school, ill probably never see u again on the bus" but that seems kinda creepy/2 early to say? i dont even know her at all


maybe say hi do you want my number?

if she sais no thats gonna be kinda bad though -_-

just go for it i used to get this bus to college and this girl would sit near me and i didnt talk cos i to nervous just ask her you might regret it if you dont
I think your best to giver her your number as opposed to the other way round , then you can have it ready and say something like " do you fancy a coffee sometime " or something of the like :)


Well-known member
Tell her you lost your cell phone and ask if you can use hers to call your mom. When you get home check your mom's caller ID and there you go. You got her number :D


Well-known member
I think Fudgy probably has the best idea. It would be frustrating giving up control like that because then you have to sit and wait for her to contact you but it is probably the least stalkery way to do it. Maybe give her your phone number, email etc. so she has a number of ways to contact you. She may be more comfortable with email or messaging than with doing the phone call - that can be a lot of pressure. She may even offer her details when you give her yours.
hah well thats sorta corny

im reluctant to give her my number because a lot of girls will never call = =

I do agree with what you said , but your somewhere between the devil and deep blue sea with this one !!

She may be terrified to give her number to a stranger incase your a total nut job ....

also if your planning on doing this on the bus ( I maybe have got confused with this bit) to ask for her number means she will have to root around for a pen etc etc all with an audience .

Its just a chance you have to take I guess and hope she does call or text you.

I like what thao said as well. :D


Well-known member
Maybe she has anxiety too(uncomfortable silence). Its not like someome would actually bring that up to a stranger. Maybe say, "hey, got any plans for the summer?" Take it from there and then maybe say something like, "maybe we'll bump into eachother", if she seems inviting to that, then say, "do you want to shoot me a qucik text or something if you want to do something?"

I don't know, but like I say, she could have anxiety as well, and hopefully you could pick up on that, if she does. Even small talk like "any plans for the summer?", should clue you in on something about her, and go from there.
yea i hope its her anxiety and not her disinterest in me

but if ill see her, i hope i can be clutch and do work


I would maybe wait a little longer and try and get some more conversation going in person,but if you want to do it now just be honest and maybe say something like

"you seem really nice and it would be cool if we could maybe hang out some time or at least talk more,so here is my number"

But I would wait until when you guys are a bit more comfortable and ease with each other ect


Well-known member
I would just work up the courage and confidence and tell her you think shes beautiful and ask if you could have her number to get in contact with her out of the bus world :D haha No waiting around.

At least if she says no, theres no loss you tried. But more likely she will probably say yes. I love it when random guys stop and ask for my number, its a confidence boost.