What's a good job for SA people?


Well-known member
I'm in a serious rut right now. I can't find a decent paying job that I feel comfortable working at and somewhat enjoy. My last two jobs combined lasted about 2 months. The first one I tried was an overnight clerk at a hotel. I thought, "This will be perfect for me, I'll check a few old business guys in and the rest of the time I can relax and work by myself". Of course that was way off. Plenty of people and groups check in at night and the anxiety is bad because you never know who's gonna walk through the doors. I get real nervous if a group of people are watching waiting for me to check them in. My next job was a route driver for a vending company. The driving part was fine and some of the places I stocked at were ok, but we stocked at alot of big warehouse lunch room and boy was that a SA nightmare. I would have to stock for about an hour at each of these places. Usually around 20-30 people at lunch tables just eating and staring at you the whole time. It reminded me of the hell that was high school. I was so paranoid and felt trapped in there. Everywhere I went, people were surrounding me. I'm very paranoid like that. Anyways, I was still training after 1 month there with another route driver, but I couldn't take it anymore. Just quit. I really want a job, I'm not lazy or anything, but I f'ing suck socially! It seems every job I get, I get along with a few people, but the majoirty of peole it's always awkward. Dunno WTF to do now? Anyone have any suggestions? What do you guys do?


Well-known member
In perfect world I would make a living writing a blog or doing something online (IE research), but the odds are that happening are slim to none.


Well-known member
The perfect jobs for SA are these jobs. They weren't the most conferable but you clould still do them right? I know from experience that when you get a job like this you NEED to stick with. Stop making excuses for yourself...this is what you need at it will cure your SA to certain degree.


Well-known member
The best type of job for the socially anxious individual would have to be one that gets them out, and forces them to socialize. Be rational here for a second - if you never got out, and had a job via the internet, you would never break free from your phobia. In fact, you'd just get worse. You fears and concerns with interaction would grow - due to the fact that you'd have more time to think about it than to just do it and get it over with.

The best thing is to just face your fears.


Ah, but you must look on the other side of the fence here. I figure if I have a job via the internet, then it removes that "job stress" from my life. Removing that stress makes me more able and willing to carry out the daily roundabout of chores through town.

Just another spin on it. I'd also like to note I've chosen to coexist with my panic disorder w/ agoraphobia rather than allow it to torment me anymore.
Best I've felt in a while actually.



Well-known member
newspaper delivery!!!! just throw paper at peoples doors and thats it. i would love to that, but i dont have a car :(

maybe you should look at stores in your neighborhood and see which ones dont get that much business. maybe you can work a register at a smaller less known store, or an antique store or something like that.

and i can understand why you would quit, i mightve too. i worked at subway for 1 day and i quit after that. it was just a horrible environment.
then i worked retail for 3 weeks and i loved it. well the first week was hell, i wanted to quit. but i stuck it through and ended up wanting to stay. but it was a temp job, they didnt need me anymore.
Now im looking for a job again and not happy about it at all.


Well-known member
Not sure..... Perhaps a job where little conversation is required. A noisy production environment. A foundry. JOBS WHERE EAR PROTECTION IS NECESSARY. LITTLE COVERSATION INVOLVED.


New member
I got a job preparing computers for end users. Sometimes it was hell, like when I had to ask my boss for help, or come back to a user for something But a lot of the time I could sit alone and install windows or something. It wasn't not ideal, but what is?
An other job I had was mailman. That is kind of good, because, you have no time to stop and think when you deliver mail. You 1) sort your letters 2) deliver them. And you must do it extremly quickly. The downside is that it is EXTREMLY tiresome. Cannot figure out how mailmen survive in the long run....


Well-known member
There are many ways you can free lance while still earning enough to get by .....

you can be a photographer of landscapes, a painter or a graphic artist and run your own small business

you can purchase an industrial digital printer and print canvas photos, stickers, business cards ...posters for advertising ..and earn quite a decent amount in a week from business requests ...

there is alot of avenues if you look outside the square of what you read in the job classifides ..

its just that alot of people don't take risks ..


Active member
The perfect job for people like me and you with SA is a Substitute Teacher
Substitute Teacher is teaching the children in the classroom by yourself.
It's only you and the children until lunch time and dismiss time of course CHILDREN NEVER HURTS ME AND THEY ARE ALWAYS ACCEPTING OF ME.
I never feel judged by children and my heart does not race wildly with fear when I am around children like I do when I am around adults. Working with children is quite therapeudic actually. I TRULY LOVE CHILDREN. And I think Substitute Teacher is the best job for people with SA. Not only because children are accepting of you but also another main reason is because I CAN WORK WHENEVER I WANT. Typically I only work like 2 to 3 days a week. No boss or anyone telling me what to do.

Another great job for people with SA is to board Foster children in your home. If you take in 2 children, depending on your state, you can get paid roughly between $900 to $1000 a month for those 2 children. The more you take in, the more you get depending on your household size. For the 2 children you get, you spend around $400 a month on them, and keep the other $500 for yourself or to help pay your bills. Please keep in mind, you must love children to be a Foster Parent

Another great job that I do is I work from home doing autosurf investments online. It is quite financially rewarding actually. Soon, I won't have to work at all. That's my goal because people with SA should stay home. First I worked 5 days a week as a Sub. Then 4, then 3, and now 2-3 days. The work at home investments that are paying and hot right now are Exponential-earning, cashing-n-surf, invest-n-surf, QXLsurf just to name a few. There are many more that are paying handsomely. If you guys need a complete list of all of my programs, don't hesitate to pm me.


New member
God damn forum ate my reply.

Short of it is this:
The only way to make any hedgeway with this debilitation is to confront it. This teaches us how to manage our anxiety response, as well as to not fear socialization as much. Like a crazy person I made myself go to nursing school. After the fact? I'm still a mess with no friends or relationships, but now I can socialize somehwat well professionally and on the level of aquaintence (this was not possible before at all). Thanks nursing school.

However if you wish to tailor your life around your illness, that's a choice as well. (Ultimately I do not see myself working as a staff nurse due to the stress of all the people and interactions required, and I see myself going into teaching, perhaps health teaching, instead).

Here are some jobs which I've considered doing which are social-mess friendly. Jobs which are good for us reduce stress and they also require as minimal contact with and responsibility to people as possible. These two characteristics should be your main considerations in seeking employment.

1) Data entry. You just gotta get used to the office staff, but they don't change much. Intense focus on entering data into computer channels free-floating anxiety. Very little skills and responsibility required. Reasonable time to relax and destress by goofing on internet or going for walks/breaks. Best job for peeps like us because of ease, lack of stress or responsibility, all tasks do not require people.

2) Postal carrier/mail sorter. Long line of carriers in my socially f*cked up family. No people at all. Walking helps reduce stress.
Mail sorter is a second choice. However, it is by nature far more stressful because of the lack of ability to make discernable progress and more supervision.

3) Appliance repair. Requires schooling which takes effort/discipline and may be taxing to your low stress tolerance. You may also have to socialize with customers, but focusing on fixing machines/appliances helps channel that anxiety and reduce it.

4)Electrician/mechanic. Similar to appliance repair, but requires more responsibility and more schooling so is by definition more difficult for people with social mess problems.

5)Computer repair. Must have technical apptitude, schooling. Same deal as appliance repair.

6)Computer programmer. Least social job EVAR but requires a great bit of mathematical talent and schooling/education which we may or may not have.

7)Janitorial/maid service. Before you turn your nose up, consider janitorial/maid services are ideal for people who can't deal socially, AND if you're good at it, you can make quite a mint. It's a skill. If you work at night, you have to deal with almost no people at all.


Well-known member
lol you know what dude. I been forcing myself out, try ppening my self for 11 years. I'm twenty four and yes I been trying. therapy, medication even was on suicide watch. this is something I have to deal with the rest of my life. I'm not getting better no matter how much I force my self to get to know people. the only thing that with work for me is to people accepting my problem but guess what that never happened. what happened is that I developed an attitude towards people. now how strange does that sound. when I'm alone I have great respect even for the biggest ass holes type but as soon as I get around them then an attitude come.


Well-known member
if you don't like being around people here are jobs i've had that had the least interacting
-inventory counting, you just go to the back of a store and count stuff
- secretary assistant (my very first job) all i did was file patient records

and i'd recommend getting employed from family members so you feel comfortable and learn how
things are in the working world. for ex. if anyone u know owns a store, private practice try asking for a job.


Well-known member
It depends how bad the SA is, everyone isnt the same there fore this question can have a lot of answers. It is said that everyone has a little Social Phobia.


Driving a crane on a construction site, which is close to many offices nearby of those recruiters who held me back from career progression, when they can suffer from a big hook attachment or lifting magnet swung from the steel cable in a reasonable radius, on any floor