what would your life be like without SA

I'm not sure. D:

This thing called ''The butterfly effect'' kinda makes it difficult to asses. It would be allot different, that's for sure. I'd probably do more a advanced education course or something. :3


Well-known member
strange, because i was thinking about this just today.

i try not to dwell on it because i don't like thinking about 'what could've been'. things could have been ALOT worse than they are right now.

but i do wonder what its like to be "normal" though. Like, do "normal" people feel nervous at all when entering a shop, or would they just be feeling like i would when I'm calm? i wouldn't mind being in the body of someone considered "normal" just to see how bad my SA really is.
I would do soooo many things.... I can't do now. (Ok, they tell me I can, but SA takes over me every time ::(: )

I would...

*Sing in a band
*Study, school
*Have a nice job
*See friends ALOT
*Go out , concerts, parties, holidays
*I would travel the world, definately
*Be a part of a gay support group, or another support group
*Go shopping more LOL
*Hold speeches without being afraid of judgement
*go to fitness school
*be an activity leader??, like camps or something

So many things.. I miss in life because of the sa i deal with
But I hope I can still reach these things, but now its not in sight
well, im working on my sa, but i take step by step


Well-known member
yeah there are good things about sa. atleast with people i have met through the web with sa are very empathetic, sweet and caring. they wouldnt hurt a fly. but what i hate about it is im always bored and live an unfufilled life. also im always the person that people rely on for someone to be there for them but noone is there for me in return. there are so many things i want to do. sa makes me be untrue to who my heart desires to be. i dont go places i wish i could go, i dont dress the way i want, i cant even work which is the worst part. not that i dont try my ass of to get a job its just noone picks me :(. my bf doesnt even have a hs diploma and gets jobs very quickly even with severe ADD. weve been together four and a half years and both went on our first job hunt together. i have yet to find a job. i have my diploma and intern expierence and training in two trades and refrences...still nothing for me. i feel bad for him taking care of me. i wish i could help him out and buy things for him. im such a loser.


Well-known member
Things i would like to do
make music. make youtube videos. go to college. own my own store. have friends. be able to answer the phone! (sometimes i can but usually i just let it go to voice mail and only call back if its really important) or even better be able to answer the door. learn to drive. travel. horseback riding. hiking. just go the park with a good book. order a meal by myself. just to name a few.


not actually Fiona Apple
If it was just without SA, I don't know if it would really change that much. If all the reason behind my SA were gone, then we may have something. I would be able to be myself, very unique and not afraid to go against the crowd.


Well-known member
Big difference is there would be less conflict. I would be able to hold normal conversations with people.

My anxiety would not upset others, and I would not get hurt so badly by this as I did in July.

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
I've often thought about this.
Some alternate universe where the outgoing me is sort of recuperating from a rather hedonistic/adventurous lifestyle and is now raising a family and has a small but close circle of friends... I have to shake my head out of that 'fantasy' or I just get depressed :).

Like many others have said, tho' - who would I be without SA? I've been anti-mainstream my entire life & the thought of being Joe Normal in Dockers driving an SUV listening to classic soft rock makes me kinda shudder.
(Nothing against those here wearing Dockers, driving SUVs and enjoying classic soft rock)


Well-known member
It's not so much where my life would be without sa, but rather where my life would be without such low self esteem and self worth that would make the difference. Without SA, I don't think I'd be very much better off.


Well-known member
I'd become a registered nurse, be an amazing mom with a wonderful husband and just live a "normal" life.


I hope to actually find friends without experiencing the terror each time I come close to a crowd of teenagers/attractive people. I wouldn't feel so jealous of people with friends because I would too have an adequate amount of people to hang out with. ::eek::


not that different, SA is a huge problem but I think my negative way of thinking is even worse

I've never been able to get out of thinking negatively. Even if I did, it was for the night when I'm alone or a few hours before I get to interact with people....................


Active member
I would have finished my study Criminology and have a job as a criminal profiler. Also I would have friends without having trouble keeping in touch.