What would make you happy


If it was possible to change how everything was for you...what would happen?
I recently had a therapy session with psychologist and she asked me how things would be for me to make me completely happy and fulfilled...

For me it would be like this...

I would be someone that was strong, naturally likeable and had an ability to make people feel at ease and invoke a certain trust and respect.
I would also be devilishly handsome, sophisticated and the ladies would be constantly flirtatious around me (hey...its nice to dream, there aren't any rules here...)

I would have a group of friends, that understood, cared about and wanted to be involved with me, they would ring me and ask if I wanted to spend time with them. Things would be light hearted, natural, and fun.

I would have the ability and be in a position to make a difference, especially for those who I feel need help in life, and I would receive genuine gratitude from those around me.

Mutual respect and an open mind would exist in this world.

That would make me happy.... fulfulled and content. I would die a happy man.

Your turn... If you could make the world the way you wanted it to be, how would it be? What would happen in your life to make you happy?


Well-known member
a decent full time job - cos thats what i spend most of my time doing, at the moment its a crappy job ..
a house to rent, earn enough to rent my own place would be nice ..
a few friends to hang out with and go out with

night classes doing art or whatever i feel is right

play a sport and go for runs every morning

i feel like a big let down that i'm not achieving any of that that at the moment..
I try not to be too ambitious when I think of how to achieve happiness. I think the following is fairly modest. :3

- A nice job that keeps me busy whilst at work. (I don't like brakes and slacking off)
- A cozy house in a calm town, that lets in tons of sunlight, perhaps a little garden.
- Feline/canine companionship.
- Enough free time to at least play games and watch movies. (Not overrun by work)
- Not too much pressure from obnoxious restrictive laws, politicians and society. (I only live my own life)

With that base, and room to grow, I can guarantee you that I'd be happy. ~W~
I recently had a therapy session with psychologist and she asked me how things would be for me to make me completely happy and fulfilled...

Possibly I cannot answer truthfully. Perhaps I have misunderstood the question. Fearing they may place me in a nut house or perform something similar if I answer truthfully. So, what would make me happy? I will say this: it would be a lot of fun ... for a while. As I doubt I'll survive.

Now your other question ask's if we could make the world the way we want it.... I have no idea.


New member
Have @ least $30 million dollars. Hell, I can handle the rest to find myself a better pill so I can at least get out to spend it.


Well-known member
I'd like a sizable plot of land. With a castle equipped with internet and solar panels. And a golden eagle with which to hunt on said plot of land. And a Friesian horse, for the few times I go somewhere.

If I had all that, the rest would just fall into place.



Well-known member
I would be jumping in joy if society fell apart and destroyed all what humans have worked hard for during our existence. The economy would collapse and money would truly be worthless (not like it already isnt, haha). All of our technology would be gone and then all the people who flooded their lives with greed, class, fashion and fads would all die and everyone who didnt fall for these stupid distractions would be able to get back to the basics and survive, in FREEDOM. The illusion of freedom which is portrayed onto us would disintegrate and all of us left over would truly be free and happy. Thats all I would want

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
I would be jumping in joy if society fell apart and destroyed all what humans have worked hard for during our existence. The economy would collapse and money would truly be worthless (not like it already isnt, haha). All of our technology would be gone and then all the people who flooded their lives with greed, class, fashion and fads would all die and everyone who didnt fall for these stupid distractions would be able to get back to the basics and survive, in FREEDOM. The illusion of freedom which is portrayed onto us would disintegrate and all of us left over would truly be free and happy. Thats all I would want

lmao i love the "not like it already isnt" part. everytime i hear the numbers for the country's debt, my brain just shuts down, does not compute

i vote for your version of happiness, id like a little time to read a couple books on survival first though


Well-known member
lmao i love the "not like it already isnt" part. everytime i hear the numbers for the country's debt, my brain just shuts down, does not compute

i vote for your version of happiness, id like a little time to read a couple books on survival first though

haha, yeah, money never really made sense to me. when i was a kid i was always like, why does this piece of paper with pretty pictures get me things like food?? It always boggled the mind. And the national debt to a country is even more hysterical. The fact that they make more money gets them in even more debt, oh money, how messed up you are.


haha, yeah, money never really made sense to me. when i was a kid i was always like, why does this piece of paper with pretty pictures get me things like food?? It always boggled the mind. And the national debt to a country is even more hysterical. The fact that they make more money gets them in even more debt, oh money, how messed up you are.

Money is necessary because human beings need something to represent value. We are too selfish to do anything that benefits the whole of mankind.

yes... I am a communist at heart...


Well-known member
Money is necessary because human beings need something to represent value. We are too selfish to do anything that benefits the whole of mankind.

yes... I am a communist at heart...

yes, however money just creates greed and selfishness too. and its easy to just say, yeah we're messed up lets just keep adding fuel to the fire. A civilization cant evolve without addressing the issues. Its just so messed up that such a small percentage of the worlds population owns such a huge portion of the wealth, yet you still have people in africa who cant even feed themselves and you have the CEO of a company cruising around in his BMW complaining about his mocha latte. What makes his life so much more valuable?? Just because he paid 60,000 grand on an education, which is basically just another fancy piece of paper saying, yeah thats right, Im better than you. I guess it just pisses me off that the western world has all this money to spend on pointless bull**** when it could be used for the better. Eventually this cut throat personality in humans will backfire and kill us all and personally I dont want to live my life and die just because of some worthless piece of paper. To me life is the most valuable thing in this universe and whenever I get into a money rant, I always think about the one thing, if you were stranded on an island with no one around you and no resources to live off of what would you rather have, a bucket of diamonds, or a bucket of dirt?


Well-known member
Well assuming I could do anything, top priority on my list would be to cure myself of my disability, I think it's the root of all my problems, such as my lack of confidence and low self esteem which in turn means no friends, no relationships and no success! So yeah if I could change one thing it would be that, as I feel it would put me on "equal footing" with the average man.


Well-known member
Have @ least $30 million dollars. Hell, I can handle the rest to find myself a better pill so I can at least get out to spend it.

30 million is a nice thought. At this point, I really can't think of what would make me happy, but I would think money would help ease things, it might or might not make me happy, that I can't answer till I actually have the money, but it would certainly make things a whole lot better than they are now.


Well-known member
That people would be more thoughtful,educated,honest and nicer,I am sick of it and the worst thing people love those kind of people,rewards them,kisses their asses,today is beautiful to be disrespectful,sexually promiscuous,cheaters and to not give a damm,no I am not saying everybody should love me, have sex with me or whatever like it,I see all the time people being good,giving their best but for what, they are cut from work,what about the jackass being a jackass everyday,whinning about the superiors and making fun of everyone ,bullying people all the time,even to people who are nice to everyone,I just dont get it,I am living for my parents now,when they are gone I will be too.