what the hell are we moaning about ?


Well-known member
If it's an animal abuse video...i can't watch....

its not all about that emily ... yes its not nice i admit , but sometimes i think we all need to take a backward step and think about other things that are going in in the world ... just so we all realise how lucky we are ....


Don't get mad at me for asking, but are you guys more sensitive to the suffering of animals than that of other human beings? Thats been in the back of my mind because of a few posts Ive seen in the past.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Don't get mad at me for asking, but are you guys more sensitive to the suffering of animals than that of other human beings? Thats been in the back of my mind because of a few posts Ive seen in the past.

That's a fair question, and I can only speak for myself and say that I'm not.

I can't stand to see suffering or abuse in any form, the images stay with me for a long time afterwards.


Well-known member
cant speak for the forum but personaly, all suffering is bad human animal , i cannot understand how people treat eachother so badly , or people treat animals so badly , its a strange world we live in ........


Well-known member
^^^^Yeah especially when the person who is treating you badly is your own mother.....


Sorry I shouldn't have implied such a thing. I've actually seen more supportive and nice people here than anywhere else.


Don't get mad at me for asking, but are you guys more sensitive to the suffering of animals than that of other human beings? Thats been in the back of my mind because of a few posts Ive seen in the past.

I don't think it was appropriate to ask after you've seen this video :mad:.


I don't think it was appropriate to ask after you've seen this video :mad:.

I wasn't talking about the damn video, in fact I didn't even watch it. I was referring to comments in the past and it got me thinking that some people care more about their pets than they do other human beings. Here's a mad face for you too. :mad:


Well-known member
That's a fair question, and I can only speak for myself and say that I'm not.

I can't stand to see suffering or abuse in any form, the images stay with me for a long time afterwards.

snap same here mate ... i found that film on utube and it really got to me , ill be thinking of it for days , i could turn my back on this world no probs , live a life with not reading the papers , not watching tv , but on the other side of the coin , burying your head in the sand doesnt get things changed , its the might of voice that gets these horrible things changed , like the wspa im with them its global :) i wont go into detail but the wspa has changed a lot of things regarding animal cruelty .... the clip i put on here covers not only animal cruelty but domesic violence ect ect , i put it on here to make people realise how lucky they are to live in a safe world ... to hmmm well look at life a lil diff ... but having said that a lot of people on here have had a real bad childhood .... so prob relate to the clip ... good bad ? dunno , ill just let it run if the mods dont delete it .......


Well-known member
I wasn't talking about the damn video, in fact I didn't even watch it. I was referring to comments in the past and it got me thinking that some people care more about their pets than they do other human beings. Here's a mad face for you too. :mad:

now now children :) if you must play ... play nicely or its off to bed with no tea ::p:


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Don't get mad at me for asking, but are you guys more sensitive to the suffering of animals than that of other human beings?

Depends on who the human is. :cool:

More seriously, on a gut level it can upset me more sometimes to see animals suffer because they're helpless on the same level that a toddler is helpless.

I couldn't watch the video. I can't even make it through one of those Sarah McLachlan commercials for the ASPCA. Between her voice and those images? Gah. ::(:


I wasn't talking about the damn video, in fact I didn't even watch it. I was referring to comments in the past and it got me thinking that some people care more about their pets than they do other human beings. Here's a mad face for you too. :mad:

You should have watched it, to know what the thread you're replying to is all about. Even if you didn't, I assume you knew pretty well it was about animal abuse (and some not so bad human abuse). Why did you have the need to ask, seems as if you envy that to those poor animals :eek:. If you were only a bit sorry for those tortured animals, you would be SICK to ask this damn question I tell you.


Well-known member
You should have watched it, to know what the thread you're replying to is all about. Even if you didn't, I assume you knew pretty well it was about animal abuse (and some not so bad human abuse). Why did you have the need to ask, seems as if you envy that to those poor animals :eek:. If you were only a bit sorry for those tortured animals, you would be SICK to ask this damn question I tell you.

calm down little lea :) its a thread not a war :D


You should have watched it, to know what the thread you're replying to is all about. Even if you didn't, I assume you knew pretty well it was about animal abuse (and some not so bad human abuse). Why did you have the need to ask, seems as if you envy that to those poor animals :eek:. If you were only a bit sorry for those tortured animals, you would be SICK to ask this damn question I tell you.

Yes you should calm down. Cause first of all if you saw earlier I said I was sorry I asked the question. Second I thought it was about suffering in general and not just about animals. I dont know you and haven't done anything to hurt you and yet you use words like "sick" to describe me? Im not going to post on this anymore because this has gotten me all upset over nothing so don't expect to continue this little game with you any further.