what stuffed animal did you sleep with as a child?

what stuffed animal did you sleep with as a child?

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Have to go with teddy bears, though I slept with a variety of plushies. The odd thing is I never really had any sort of emotional attachment to them..

If anything I think my neglect left an impact on my poor stuffed animals. That says more about my personality. :eek:h:
Where's the stuffed sheep option? :( I didn't sleep with one as a child but I have one now. Her name is... Sheepie. One of the ones from Bath and Body Works.

I had a big stuffed pink elephant my mother got me. I loved that thing. Unfortunately the basement I was storing it in flooded a little and it got so moldy I had to throw it out. Really made me sad. And now I'm getting all sad thinking about it :(


Well-known member
Where's the stuffed sheep option? :( I didn't sleep with one as a child but I have one now. Her name is... Sheepie.

I had a big stuffed pink elephant my mother got me. I loved that thing. Unfortunately the basement I was storing it in flooded a little and it got so moldy I had to throw it out. Really made me sad. And now I'm getting all sad thinking about it :(

i would lend you my teddy bear

but i'm afraid you'd drool on him
I had a green stuffed dog that I called Ruffy. We did everything together. He's the one who sparked my fascination for film.
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I didn't have stuffed animals as a child. I wanted to sleep with my pet possum but mama wouldn't let her in the house.


not actually Fiona Apple
Where's the stuffed sheep option? Her name is... Sheepie. One of the ones from Bath and Body Works.

I like your naming style.

I have a ferocious stuffed tiger on my bed right now, named tigery. He is awesome. I've had him since I was a newborn and he's yet to leave my side. He has also gone that long since being washed.

I don't think tigery has SA, he seems to be very social with the dust bunnies.


Well-known member
When I was really young...
It was A tiger,a bear,a pig,a donkey,and a rabbit.
Guess who? :p

And then when I got a little older.



Well-known member
I also have a Bilby, white pointer shark, Major Mitchell Cockatoo, wombat, Koala, Emu, and a Kiwi.
I never had a stuffed animal that I slept with :idontknow:

But I did drink a hot chocolate every night before I went to bed....So does my stomach "stuffed" with a hot chocolate drink count? :giggle:


Well-known member
I didn't sleep with any stuffed animal, but I did have a security blankie.
And um, well, I still sleep with one. I had to pack up my old one because it was 39 years old and it was ragged. But I could not part with it. So I had to go out and buy another one. My original blankie could never be replaced but I just upgraded. I found myself in the baby aisle at Target one day, and there it was, my new, soft, blankie with a monkey on it.

I love my blankie.