woah, this thread's moving quick! I'm not sure I can keep up with everything but here's a coupla things I'd like to add...
cLavain said:
What were you trying to prove again..?
I was trying to point out that you can't base all your descisions in life on evidence...sometimes you've gotta follow your heart. Here's another example...say you have a choice between two mates...one is, in evolutionary, natural selection terms, an ideal mate...beautiful, intelligent, talented, i.e. very good genes, etc...while the other is the opposite...but you don't love the first mate, you love the second...which one will you choose? the one you love right? Basically if I ever have a dilemma where all the scientific evidence was pointing me in one direction, but my heart, that feeling inside, was telling me to go the other direction, I'd follow my heart every time. That's what I'm talking about...and to imply that doing this...putting my trust in my heart, is some kind of delusion is wrong...I don't turn my brain off when I make decisions like this...I take into consideration my feelings as another form of evidence and weigh it up with the rest.
cLavain said:
It's also funny how religious people don't mind using scientific evidence if it supports their own theory, but will happily use the old 'it's a matter of faith'-routine if the evidence contradicts it.
But this is the same for anyone who believes in anything...even science...there are things not yet proven, but you have
faith that one day science will provide the answer, right?
For nytro
On the topic of the image of God...firstly I think there are lots of myths and stereotypes of God that are false. I believe God is love...total goodness. A God of love that gets angry is not a contradiction...anger is not a sin. When you see injustice, if you love the truth you'll get angry. Also, a father that disciplines his child shows more love than a father who doesn't. As for the plagues and stuff, I don't know how things were in the old testament, but they were definitely different to how they are in the new testament, now that Jesus has died for our sins. Anyway, all those horrible stereotypes of God don't reflect the God that I know. The God that I've been walking with for the last four years, answers my prayers, gives me a ridiculous amount of gifts, is abundant in grace, and pours out his holy spirit into my heart til I literally have trouble breathing!
Plus the stuff about sacrificing your life for God I have trouble with too. I don't find that stuff easy, although I'm sure the bible's right when it teaches this stuff. But I take pigeon steps and God reveals a bit more each step. I see it like this...God owns everything, even time, nothing belongs to me, but he's given me gifts and jobs to do...if I do a good job, I get the credit, but I understand that without God, the gifts wouldn't even be there in the first place.
and why doesn't god stop all the evil in the world?...because of free will...God never forces himself onto anyone...he respects our free will...the devil uses force, but God only uses truth and love.
also, because I don't have much time to keep up with this thread, there's one source that I get a lot of my arguements from, so I'll just leave the link and let anybody look if they wish...its a touch cheesy, but ignore that...the facts speak for themselves. Its an audio ministry. The link below is a series called "why I believe"
[click on "display all" then choose a topic and there'll be a "listen now" link.]