Well-known member
I'm sorry if my use of the word 'better' caused confusion. Lawyerguy explains it very well, though.
Good, bad and evil are still relative quantities, the world is far too complex for it to be otherwise. But it is in our own self interest to agree on some social rules, a social contract if you like. By agreeing on a law prohibiting murder, I make it less likely that I myself will be murdered by a stranger. It's no guarantee, but the fact that religious people are just as guilty of murder as others is a good indication that divine rules are not superior to secular ones.
Since a certain degree of cooperation is usually useful for animals, an individual in a species that cannot cooperate with its own kind is likely to have its DNA removed from the gene pool by natural selection (less or no offspring).
By the way, Zipper: I think we agree on the Christianity issue, but can't you see that your rigid definition of Good is contradicted by reality? Even when it comes to something 'obvious' like murder, there is still the matter of killing in self defence, being ordered to kill in a war (sometimes by some religious authority).
Good, bad and evil are still relative quantities, the world is far too complex for it to be otherwise. But it is in our own self interest to agree on some social rules, a social contract if you like. By agreeing on a law prohibiting murder, I make it less likely that I myself will be murdered by a stranger. It's no guarantee, but the fact that religious people are just as guilty of murder as others is a good indication that divine rules are not superior to secular ones.
Since a certain degree of cooperation is usually useful for animals, an individual in a species that cannot cooperate with its own kind is likely to have its DNA removed from the gene pool by natural selection (less or no offspring).
By the way, Zipper: I think we agree on the Christianity issue, but can't you see that your rigid definition of Good is contradicted by reality? Even when it comes to something 'obvious' like murder, there is still the matter of killing in self defence, being ordered to kill in a war (sometimes by some religious authority).