PLEASE READ, ITS LONG but maybe we can agree with it.
verylonely said:
It's so easy and misleading for people to say that religion fuels hatred, and is the cause of many wars.
But i think that religion has just been used as an excuse and been exploited by those who start the wars.
Really wars are about power and greed and domination, and religion has been used as an excuse many times, to cover up real motives. Humans are to blame not religion.
People should be able to believe what they want, and nobody should be treated different because they believe in something.
Humans should have the decency to accept others and not criticise them.
Thank you for that, thats the best way to put it, when millions of people have been killed in the name of God(s). The one thing I dont get is, if these leaders claim to be under the grace of God, and the people who follow them beleiving its Gods will...I dont understand why God just sits their as his follows commit these crimes. Their are miracles found all over the world, like statues crying blood and paintings water. Why wouldnt God instead contact these people in someway to stop.
I want to get into Christianity, but its real things like this that puzzle me.
Does God ever communicate with humankind nowadays? And if so why doesnt God stop brainwashed terrorists who call to his name. Judism, Christianity, and Islam all worship the same God.
So either all miracles are false or our perception on religion is false. Man could have created all religions and God just sits back, and we find the Truth when we are dead. Or one of the religions is right but God doesnt intervien with Earth, kinda like the movie "Constantine".
I would love to post up more debate material, because im searching all over the place for some kind of answer for my beliefs.
And that is: Beleif in one supreme being "God", dunno if Jesus was actually God or a profit with amazing abilities, through some kind of spiritual enlightenment or even exagerations. When I pray to my creator, I have a scense of certainty, when I think about praying to Jesus, I feel uncomfortable in the fear im not really praying to God. I find some key points in Buddism, like the human search for supreme happiness very important (good for your physical and mental health too). Many faiths beleive one shouldnt focus on oneself but put everything in the faith of God, if we did that we would still be in the stoneage, wouldnt we?
I beleive in the morals of society that we influnced from people as well as religions (like killing, rape, stealing are wrong), and find many morals true to the Bible, like love thy neighbor.
And I beleive in my existance, because all my scenses and mind reveal to me an existance. Reincarnation could be real or not, like everything else its debateable. But I beleive God is loving, and omnicient and understands people like me who searchs for the Truth. If I died right now I believe God wouldnt hold it against me that in my life, I didnt beleive that Jesus was God because of my rationality on the subject and that with my constant atempts to convince myself, I just couldnt force myself to beleive it. (Like the flying spagetti monster, lol) , or whatever we beleive in as long as we are good moral people, who in our idea of rights and wrongs, do the most good. (Oh yea and what turns me away farther from Christianity is when fanatics tell me, im wrong and if I dont beleive in exactly they beleive I will go to hell.)
These are my Core Truths but I am searching for more.
Please someone help me out on this, most Organized Religion is bogus, its
a corporate entity. Im searching for Spirituality.