What RELIGION are you?


Well-known member
scyth said:
im gonna start my own religion my god is scyth he controls the weather

hmmm :? ur god is scyth...but what about the name of the religion itself...
and how wud u call him..Lord Scyth? :lol:
Do u pronounce it as Sith?
uuuuu...ooh lala...Lord Sith..nope ...nah... no more dark side of the force..hehe no more Darth Vader...don't want to have another padme's heart being made broken.. :cry:



Well-known member
Iam born and raised Catholic althought i dont live by it, i really got into Rastafari for a few years not so long ago, i studied it, and tried to learn everything about it and i thought i had found the answer but then for some reason i just drifted away from it, but it was really intresting to look into somthing new and get a new outlook on things :D


Active member
cLavain said:
Consider the following in a court of law:
"The defendant is guilty. I cannot provide any evidence what so ever of this claim, but that is not necessary because I and many others strongly believe he is guilty. I need not justify this. My claim is self-evidently true, and anyone claiming the opposite is just as self-evidently wrong. Any evidence to the contrary can safely be ignored, because I know I'm right. It's as simple as that, so the accused must be sentenced to prison. The prosecution rests its case."

actually, there's loads of evidence supporting the christian faith. 100% prophetic accuracy for starters. That alone is pretty amazing. Also, the bible is one of the most historically and archealogically accurate books ever written. Many scientists have spent years trying to disprove the bible and failed. The stories in the bible aren't fictional, the names, places and events are all historical fact. I agree with Si, the bible is far more than a chain letter, it's an incredibly powerful book, that holds all the truths of life within.
so yea, anyway, I'm a christian...if you hadn't already guessed!


Well-known member
itchy said:
cLavain said:
Consider the following in a court of law:
"The defendant is guilty. I cannot provide any evidence what so ever of this claim, but that is not necessary because I and many others strongly believe he is guilty. I need not justify this. My claim is self-evidently true, and anyone claiming the opposite is just as self-evidently wrong. Any evidence to the contrary can safely be ignored, because I know I'm right. It's as simple as that, so the accused must be sentenced to prison. The prosecution rests its case."

actually, there's loads of evidence supporting the christian faith. 100% prophetic accuracy for starters. That alone is pretty amazing. Also, the bible is one of the most historically and archealogically accurate books ever written. Many scientists have spent years trying to disprove the bible and failed. The stories in the bible aren't fictional, the names, places and events are all historical fact. I agree with Si, the bible is far more than a chain letter, it's an incredibly powerful book, that holds all the truths of life within.
so yea, anyway, I'm a christian...if you hadn't already guessed!

"100% accuracy" It would be pretty amazing if it was true. Sadly, it's the all too human ability to find patterns in random noise and correlations where there are none. Like people finding an image of Maria on their waffles, or whatever. Seek and you shall find.

Many of the events in the bible are based on true events, no one has denied that. Lots of books are based on true events.

Sorry, but you (or anyone else) still haven't proven that the bible is the word of God.

Also, the biblical God is a capricious and vindictive tyrant that deserves no worship. :(


Well-known member
Well, I know this is a touchy subject, and I don't mean to offend, :) but the central Christian dogma "the atonement" is a distortion of human thought. :oops: Among other things, the Bible teaches the Christian to believe:

"There is a divine penalty for the violation of God's law. I will be pardoned by God of this penalty ("justified"), if I believe that this divine penalty exists and if, among other things, I believe that that Christ took this penalty as my substitute on the cross ("faith"). I must share with others these theories of God-man relations."

This cognitive circle, undergirded by the Bible, exists to serve its own purposes (survival and reproduction), and has never aided anybody in evading a divine penalty for the violation of God's law, because such a threat to human welfare does not exist! :twisted: In fact, divine judgment is pedagogical and not penal and thus these theories teach Christians to avoid the very thing that would most increase their joy and welfare -- the operation of God's infinite wrath. 8)

The "Atonement" is like a chain letter and thus ought to be shut down as quickly as possible. As far as I can see, the best way to shut down the chain letter is to alert people to its character. And that is what I am attempting to do.

People with social anxiety especially should be wary of people claiming the existence of an unprovable threat of judgment. We're here to break down fears not to prop them up with filthy books like the Bible.


Well-known member
I'm just trying to relieve the simple-minded of their mental fetters. My brain use to be infected with the Christian cognitive parasite as well, but I took the vaccine to kill it, and it is slowly dying from my brain. I am happy to help release other people from these dismal ruminations as well if they want help.

Just keep in mind that, while there is no denying that human evil exists, God enforces his law not by retributing penalties of mere suffering but by pedagogically judging. In other words, God's wrath is welfare-enhancing for the non-believing sinner who has the great fortune to be consumed by it.

This way of thinking about divine judgment and the moral structure of the universe is also, by the way, the correction for social anxiety disorder as well. So lets annihilate Christianity and social anxiety disorder in one fell swoop. Christianity is a mental plague and the Bible is a public curse.

(BTW, my parents are Christian missionaries -- Bible Translators, no less. And so is my Sis and Bro-in-law. I try to refrain from telling them that they are enemies of mankind copying out chain letters to frighten the recipients of it.)


Active member
Zipper said:
"... I must share with others these theories of God-man relations."

christian's don't have to DO anything if we don't want to. Its the only religion that doesn't require the believer to DO a certain set of tasks to gain salvation. In Christianity it's all DONE by Jesus, for us. But a fantastic thing happens when you realise this, you realise that there's a huge safety net beneath you and that there's nothing you can do that can bodge your chances of salvation, and this realisation actually makes it enjoyable to do what god ask's cause now you do it out of love and not fear. This attitude, for me, has been very helpful for my social anxiety.

Zipper said:
In fact, divine judgment is pedagogical and not penal and thus these theories teach Christians to avoid the very thing that would most increase their joy and welfare -- the operation of God's infinite wrath. 8)

God doesn't punish, he disciplines....punishment is inflicted out of wrath for past misdeeds in order to get even, whereas discipline is done out of love, to correct and promote positive growth for future behaviour. Christians still receive discipline, but we don't get punished when we bodge things up. Personally this has been helpful for my social anxiety also. God shows me where I'm going wrong and encourages me to make things right, but if I fail, I have nothing to fear cause god doesn't punish, he simply forgives and teaches you how to get better again. Plus, through god's holy spirit that he sends into your heart, he gives you power to overcome things you never thought you could overcome.


Well-known member
itchy said:
God doesn't punish, he disciplines....punishment is inflicted out of wrath for past misdeeds in order to get even, whereas discipline is done out of love, to correct and promote positive growth for future behaviour. Christians still receive discipline, but we don't get punished when we bodge things up. Personally this has been helpful for my social anxiety also. God shows me where I'm going wrong and encourages me to make things right, but if I fail, I have nothing to fear cause god doesn't punish, he simply forgives and teaches you how to get better again. Plus, through god's holy spirit that he sends into your heart, he gives you power to overcome things you never thought you could overcome.

Word play. Punishment and dicipline is the same thing if the practical result is the same.

It's also dangerous the way you make assertions without any shred of evidence. Religion encourages blind faith, and discourages critical thinking. It's by the same logic a fundamentalist can kill other people. He has deluded himself into thinking it is the will of 'God', and needs no external input at all to maintain this delusion. It has become a closed loop of thought no longer in need of actual evidence.


Well-known member
I have to back up and agree with everything itchy has said on this one.And how can you say there is no evidence ?There is the bible for a start.It is written by man but inspired by the word of God.Crikey they even found material evidence of Noahs ark in the place it was said to be.
So what people are saying is that they need to see something before they believe ? Well people you might as well all drop dead right now as you are breathing air which you can not see.That means it can't exist dosen't it ? I have a little test for people when I try and explain the spiritual realm.
Pick up a normal fully closed box and look at it from any angle.How many sides can you see ? 3 or 4 at the most.But a box does have six sides dosen't it ? On the seeing is believing theory that would mean that 2-3 sides of the box do not exist.But you still believe it has 6 sides even though you can't see them.So it is in the super natural realm.Those of us who believe know it is there but it is not visible with natural eyes.It is simply a different dimension and the natural mind has trouble understanding this.Proverbs ch 28 v26 says :He who trusts in his own mind is a fool,but he who walks in skilful and Godly wisdom shall be delivered................Rock on Jesus.You're the king !! :)

P.S I'm not trying to jam anything down anybodies throat and welcome any criticism, but my view will not be swayed as my foundation for life has been built on the rock called Jesus.Psalm 18 v2 The Lord is my rock,my fortress and my deliverer........ :)


Well-known member
-You still have not provided evidence that the Bible is the word of God or that God exists at all. :)
-Noah's Ark has not been found. Do some research, or provide documentation, please. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah's_ark
-Oksygen, nitrogen and all other atoms have a measurable effect on it's surroundings, and can be directly detected by many machines and 'seen' by an electron microscope.
-A box can be rotated to view every side. At any rate, your 'argument' can be used to 'prove' absolutely anything, which makes it useless as a logical tool.

Your last comment pretty much sums it up. You are not interested in the truth, you prefer to maintain your pleasant belief. Understandable, but you're on the slippery slope. If you accept this without proof, then what else will you gobble up? :?


Well-known member
Ive been confused on religion for a long time. Somedays im Agnostic, others I want to look into Buddism, and then when shit happens I go to Christianity, lol.

Ive been writing several articles on christianity, if anyone is interested let me know. Im still searching for some kind of proof that could convince me of an existance. I beleive in ghosts more than God at this point. Ive got a great story for that as well. But we had to have come from some supreme being right?

Christianity, is too controlling..where us humans born with free rational thought, is to not take action and put all our trust in God. Well been their done that, I have seen nothing to convince me.


Well-known member
What evidence could be found that would support the Biblical theory that the operation of divine judgment upon a non-believing sinner is deleterious to his subjective experience of existence? What evidence could be found that would go against my theory that the operation of divine judgment is always-welfare enhancing for the non-believing sinner?

Absolutely no archaelogical or historical evidence would cut either way with this. The only evidence that would show this is if God himself came to earth and told you it was true that divine judgment is "penalty for wrong."

And even if you knew it was truly God, how would you know he was not lying about the advised means to escape such a penalty (belief in Christ's divinity)? If he was capable of imagining that cruelty is justice, why couldn't he also hold the view that lying is truthtelling?


Well-known member
"But we had to have come from some supreme being right? "


You seem like sensible person, Nytro, so I'll ask you this:
What is wrong with just accepting that the universe is wonderful as it is? Why do you need to add a being that is greater than you? Our world is both a fantastic and a terrible place, but adding a deity will do nothing about that. Why not use your energy towards making this world better, instead of preparing for an afterlife of which we know nothing? :)


Well-known member
I believe in God, because I believe in the Goodness of Good, and the truthfulness of Truth, and I believe in the unfolding of beauty by operation of divine judgment.


Well-known member
Zipper said:
I believe in God, because I believe in the Goodness of Good, and the truthfulness of Truth, and I believe in the unfolding of beauty by operation of divine judgment.

A text book example of a sentence that is devoid of meaning, but sounds sophisticated and pompous enough to lure the gullible... :lol:


Well-known member
cLavain said:
Zipper said:
I believe in God, because I believe in the Goodness of Good, and the truthfulness of Truth, and I believe in the unfolding of beauty by operation of divine judgment.

A text book example of a sentence that is devoid of meaning, but sounds sophisticated and pompous enough to lure the gullible... :lol:
It meant something in Plato's natural theology. If there is a right and a wrong, there must be rightness of right. If there is a good and a bad, there must be a quality of "goodness" of good. The "goodness" of good doesn't in here in the good object itself, but as a transcendent principle that exists elsewhere. That transcendent principle exists in the world of the forms, the mind of God. God IS the goodness of Good.