Well, I know this is a touchy subject, and I don't mean to offend,

but the central Christian dogma "the atonement" is a distortion of human thought.

Among other things, the Bible teaches the Christian to believe:
"There is a divine penalty for the violation of God's law. I will be pardoned by God of this penalty ("justified"), if I believe that this divine penalty exists and if, among other things, I believe that that Christ took this penalty as my substitute on the cross ("faith"). I must share with others these theories of God-man relations."
This cognitive circle, undergirded by the Bible, exists to serve its own purposes (survival and reproduction), and has never aided anybody in evading a divine penalty for the violation of God's law, because such a threat to human welfare does not exist! :twisted: In fact, divine judgment is pedagogical and not penal and thus these theories teach Christians to avoid the very thing that would most increase their joy and welfare -- the operation of God's infinite wrath. 8)
The "Atonement" is like a chain letter and thus ought to be shut down as quickly as possible. As far as I can see, the best way to shut down the chain letter is to alert people to its character. And that is what I am attempting to do.
People with social anxiety especially should be wary of people claiming the existence of an unprovable threat of judgment. We're here to break down fears not to prop them up with filthy books like the Bible.