Reholla said:
I am a Christian and I would like some one to explain to me how the world was created if there is no such God
There are several theories, and there may or may not be a creator. But there is absolutely nothing that connects this hypothetical creator with the Bible. That's my point! Why are
you right and Hinduists wrong, Reholla?
Besides, pointing to God doesn't explain anything, for what created God? And if you're lazy and claim that God was always there, then you might as well say that the universe was always there and be done with it. You see?
Giolanda said:
Well,sorry cLavain,I wanted to stop talking about this endless subject,but I see that I can't,so forget it all about the deal Laughing I won't say many things anyway! I f you read the Bible you'll see that Satan will be punished in the end,an angel will throw him into the lake of fire-that's hell. And remember that God could make us like robots,so as to worship Him only,but He didn't,because He let us free. Don't you see how nice He is? He let you free,to talk against Him!
Well, those tickets to Crete never arrived in my mailbox!

Anyway, why is God waiting so long!? Think of all the suffering in the meantime! No, it really doesn't make any sense, and the Christian god is truly not worthy of worship.
Zosima said:
The Big Bang is God's orgasm, & everything in the Universe is the cum of God; - & as God was alone to begin with, He must have been masterbating in order to achieve orgasm !!
Blasphemy!!! *pointing finger*