cLavain said:
Zipper said:
Humans would do evil (problem) humans would be judged pedagogically (problem solved).
Except it would not be solved, would it? A murder cannot be undone.
Even without the material rectification of the wrong where that is impossible, repentance removes the offence to a degree. Sorrow and confession and self-abasing love will make up for the murder to a degree. For evil in the abstract, nothing can be done. It is eternally evil.
This is the reason of judgment; this is why justice requires that the wicked shall not go unpunished—that they, through the eye-opening power of pain, may come to see and do justice, may be brought to desire and make all possible amends, and so become just. Such punishment concerns justice in the deepest degree.
What we call judgement is really only revenge.
Agreed, human "judgment" is often simply cruelty disguised as judgment. Divine judgment, on the other hand, is virtue -- transfiguring and correcting the wronger. The operation of Divine judgment is the same as the operation of divine care. Take this to heart, apply this on the social plane, and your social anxiety will be worked out by the operation of divine judgment.
And you have still not provided any evidence for your claims.
There is no evidence. To see lustrating light peeking and then surging through the cracks in existence is a way of seeing and understanding the experiential phenomena. The experiential phenomena will not ultimately provide you with a mode of interpretation, but you can superimpose one as a cognitive grid. We do this by faith, and unavoidably each one does this to some measure or another.
Obviously, nobody has to be as mystical as Plotinus when they observe reality and understand it in this manner. But nevertheless, we can all have faith. Faith is the foundation, the root, the underlying substance of hope. If you have any hope, it comes from some faith in you. Hope, you may say, is a bud upon the plant of faith, a bud from the root of faith; the flower is joy and peace.
Do you hope for anything, friends? Thank the ONE, that comes from you faith. No man that has not faith can hope. Faith is the trying of the thing that you do not see, and that you cannot be sure about, a thing that you do not see and which, not seeing, you have doubt about, you can yet try--that is faith. Faith is intended to put to the test the unseen world of truth, virtue, and wisdom.