What is there to do in life??


Well-known member
Everything seems so boring now...

its weird cuz im not even depressed

but i'm just thinking of the activities that make up life

and they all seem pretty ordinary and boring

seeing movies, reading, eating, exercising

that's basically all that makes up my life

i dont even really have social phobia,
but i dont know it might be this fapping thing
that is messing with my reward circuitry


Well-known member
If they seem ordinary and boring to you then you need to find something else that will make you happier.. a hobby that will not only help you kill time but that you will actually enjoy! trial and error so to speak :ironicsmile:
Book club? Language course?


Well-known member
i listen to musci at home all the time, and ya that probably is one of the most enjoyable things

painting... nahh

sky diving, rock climbing, i mean you can't rlly do those regularly,
i do do things like that sometimes, but im in high school right now


Well-known member
Fair enough but you can still find something you'll love doing on a regular basis .. you just have to be willing to try new stuff :thumbup:


Well-known member
real life IS mostly pretty ordinary and boring

maybe you should consider looking into a high adrenaline career

like the military, law enforcement, firefighting, ems, emergency communications, wilderness or mountain guide or rescue, that sort of thing


Well-known member
but there's nothing new! haha
like i literally can't think of anything

i mean, it just dawned on me because i'm a senior and grades dont rlly matter anymore (past the halfway point)

and like my friends just go home
some of the more social ones party and things like that

i probably need to get into that
that's like the only unexplored option as of yet

working out is also pretty great, especially when you have specific goals

idk there's just no more euphoria in things anymore

i remember i used to be euphoric like so much of the time it was crazy
especially at school, just excited, hyper,
not even exaggerating when i say euphoric

i think it might be time to get that euphoria back artificially, if u know what i mean


Active member
A depression doesn't really need to be about feeling "down" - it can be simply being unable to feel any "ups".


Well-known member
too focused on the destination when its all about the journey.
what is there to do in life? EXPERIANCE IT!


Well-known member
Everything seems so boring now...

its weird cuz im not even depressed

but i'm just thinking of the activities that make up life

and they all seem pretty ordinary and boring

seeing movies, reading, eating, exercising

that's basically all that makes up my life

i dont even really have social phobia,
but i dont know it might be this fapping thing
that is messing with my reward circuitry

If you don't have social phobia, what made you join this site? I'm just curious. Also, you should think yourself lucky that you have a social life and friends to go out with.


Well-known member
My life completely sucks. I don't know why I even bother. I go on these wild goose chase adventures only to end up at square one again.


Well-known member
Running, racing, exploring, writing, adventure, observing, photographing.

To me there is an infitnite number of things to do in life. How enjoyable or fresh things can seem depend on my attitude.