I'm not sure why but, for some reason, I offend people. When I'm social, I am pained by the offense I cause to others. And I would rather not see it happen.
What in particular do you think offends people?
Do you say offensive things to others? (if so, stop it)
Do you do offensive things in public? (picking your nose or grabbing yourself in public is not a good choice)
Do you smell offensively? (Showers & deodorant can fix this)
Do you make faces or offensive gestures? (Smiles are better)
Do you get to close to others by invading their personal space? (Step back)
Identify what you believe is offending others (which may only be your own perception, BTW) and address them one at a time.
When in crowds I get quiet. I will either stand with one or two others that I know well or quietly off to the side and softly smile at anyone who makes eye contact. I try to put my back to the majority of the crowd and tune em out.
Just "fake it". Smile and make eye contact. Don't be obtrusive or loud...talk softly and use positive words. (negativity can offend). Note: this is also how to ask for a date.
Just trying to help but you have to make the decision to move forward or remain in your own status quo. I truly mean it when I say that there is nothing greater for one's self and the ability to succeed than the power of positive mental attitude. I'm not saying that it's always easy but without it you are doomed to fail.
PM me if you want to talk more. :thumbup: